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  1. dochou

    DBTC: Red Montipora

    Only 20 frags??? ;)
  2. dochou

    Lavender Pulsing Xenia

    I still like Xenia even after reefing for over 25 years.
  3. dochou

    DBTC: Tyree Elegance Coral

    Good job! Congrats for keeping it alive. I'm jealous.
  4. dochou

    Do you remember… Skilters?

    Looking good! I like it. Please post more pics as the build proceeds. As long as you built it well and all the pieces of the tank are welded properly then I think it should be fine with only 7" water column.
  5. dochou

    Does anyone know where I can find info about how Steinhart takes care of thier tanks?

    I was at Steinhart on Friday and was just curious about how they take care of thier tanks? Is there a team? Is there a team per tank? Why does one tank have an aptaisia infestation but none in the other tanks? How do they aquascape these tanks when they can only see from above? ie they can...
  6. dochou

    Donate zoas to Steinhart Aquarium

    Did anything ever happen with this? Were donations made and are they on display there?
  7. dochou

    Glass tank move April 9 Boulder Creek

    A tank journal would be great for this build!
  8. dochou

    DBTC: Potato Chip (Pavona)

    Hi John, I'd love a frag of this along with a bunch of the mini brittle stars. I see a bunch of them in your pic!
  9. dochou

    Apex tutorial

    I think Zoom is a good way to go. I really need help with the previous model, Apex Classic.
  10. dochou

    Caught him!

    @Da_Neefer and @JVU Thanks for the vids! I have a Magenta Dottyback that is terrorizing my anthias. It actually killed a med size male bimaculatus. It's been in the tank for over a year and apparently is very teritorrial. The fins of my evansi anthias are a chewed up. So this mad magenta dotty...
  11. dochou

    Caught him!

    Very cool. Can you share the video link here?
  12. dochou

    Hello from Salinas/Monterey

    Welcome! I can't wait to see your new tank up and running. The bar idea is great. I've always wanted an area like that.
  13. dochou

    Black urchins

    What are asterisms?
  14. dochou

    Black urchins

    I wish they could eat dinos!
  15. dochou

    DBTC: Jason Fox Solar Flare Millepora

    Beautiful Mille! Nice of you to do DBTC.
  16. dochou

    Black urchins

    Nice of you to offer them. What kind of algea did they eat from your rocks? Did they also eat coraline?
  17. dochou

    Max’s 55G tank simple setup

    Nice start. Where did you get the yellow polyps from? They can become pests, so be careful. GSP can also become a pest too.
  18. dochou

    DBTC: Miyagi Tort

    @Arvin R , PM me if you want to pick up a frag from me.
  19. dochou

    If I can't have it, you can't have it...

    That's just sad that people have to do things like this.