Neptune Aquatics

Search results

  1. Reefinglens

    Hi New Sucker from East Bay

    Welcome! And I use these too
  2. Reefinglens

    187g Tank give away

    If you want to unload the tank to make space sooner than later, I can lend my Biocube 29 until you find or pick up your Reefer 170. LMK @ashburn2k
  3. Reefinglens

    Innovative Marine 112 INT build

    I’ve always ran a gyre near the top for that same reason. When I setup the most recent tank I figured that plenty of gas exchange happens from the overflow to sump alone, plus the skimmer. I’ve had no problems these past about 6-7 months. So the surface agitation from power heads or gyres are...
  4. Reefinglens

    Wrasse Choice for a 40 Breeder / Where to buy a pink streaked wrasse?

    May have found a suspect as an aggressor toward small wrasse, basslet or jester goby? I’ve also seen cleaner wrasse be a-holes toward smaller wrasse in the past. Edit: Tons of great deals on used tanks available, or pick up a 60 breeder (great dimensions) from Petco.
  5. Reefinglens

    Cocktails and Coral Talk at High Tide Aquatics (HTA) Sun 11/6

    Are these good size amphipods? @Thales :p Haha!
  6. Reefinglens

    20L QT or frag tank and

    Just needs a 1-1/2” bulkhead or a eshopps med or small overflow box. -Pending
  7. Reefinglens

    Free frag racks

    This is very kind of you @ashburn2k I’ll take a couple black ones if still available
  8. Reefinglens

    Cocktails and Coral Talk at High Tide Aquatics (HTA) Sun 11/6

    :cool::cool: Looking forward to it! Thanks @under_water_ninja for putting this together & @Thales for speaking
  9. Reefinglens

    The 225 Gal Monster

    What silicone are you using to reinstall the center brace?
  10. Reefinglens

    Biota yellow/purple tang

    I would’ve totally bought this, but the $56 for shipping turned me off. :rolleyes:
  11. Reefinglens

    [HELP!] BIOTA Yellow Tang fins receding

    You definitely have a nipper, or maybe a couple. (My money is on the blue damsel or hawk fish) All the fish you mentioned are to be considered semi-aggressive and territorial aside from the fire fish. Yellow tangs, especially of biota size are relatively peaceful. Try pulling the yellow tang to...
  12. Reefinglens

    Torch flesh peeling back from the bottom?

    Same, I've been using Red Sea Pro for about 4 months, since then I've slowly lost 1 torch at a time and a few hammers. I'm currently down to a green splitting double and my Knicks is just about to lose one of the 3 heads, the other 2 are still looking fluffy and healthy.There are no signs of...
  13. Reefinglens

    Salty_Taste650: Innovative Marine 14Gal Peninsula

    I think @Mr2KiEu has Dragons breath and a Christmas tree rock for sale
  14. Reefinglens

    Back in hobby after away for 15+ years

    Welcome @dioworld! Definitely check out High Tide in Oakland for QT’d fish and corals. @under_water_ninja also matches BRS pricing for supporting member on equipment and dry goods and he can usually get things not stocked within a couple days.
  15. Reefinglens

    PSA: heatwave and pge shutdown

    I’m on Block 50 which was previously group 0, as I live down the street from my local Fire station. Power was still shut off for 3 days back in 2019 which obviously caused a catastrophic tank crash and took me out of the hobby for a couple years. I learned that you can’t believe everything that...
  16. Reefinglens

    Free Corals - 15 very large, fully encrusted bali green slimer frags

    I have a couple from @dandemeyere also if anyone wants to pick up in east bay - 94525
  17. Reefinglens

    Pulsing Xenia

  18. Reefinglens

    Pulsing Xenia

    Got lots. PM if interested
  19. Reefinglens

    Lennard’s frag/FOWLR build

    We’re wet!! Well kinda.. not going to lie, plumbing isn’t complete yet haha. So let’s call this a semi-leak test. Lol
  20. Reefinglens

    Arin's Reefer-S 850 Build

    Following for updates on the modded Ecotech battery. Mine died and I plan on swapping it out and turning it into a project myself.