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  1. treylane

    Apex Trident Pros and Cons

    Some folks are militant about testing all their parameters and making micro-adjustments regularly -- If that's you, you can probably save the $$ and carry on with your bad self. As for the rest of us.... Before the Trident, I usually tested alk 2x/week, and mg/ca 1x/week, buuut life gets busy...
  2. treylane

    What did you get at the CFM?

    Pretty successful shopping trip over here! Finally got my hands on a good sized red anacropora frag! Hopefully will be able to DBTC this thing soon. Couple nice acros, gonis. And a red rhodactis (sanctithomae maybe?), but may get a better ID once it settles in and goes fluffy:
  3. treylane

    Check out this new site--Buy Wholesale

    On second glance though... good prices on "normal"ish fish, and they've done their weekly refresh on the wysiwyg section.
  4. treylane

    Check out this new site--Buy Wholesale

    Ya, same stock as the other (fishybusiness, saltwaterfish) sites, and much of the non-wysiwyg stock is listed as out of stock. When the wysiwyg update gets posted we'll know how different the prices are.
  5. treylane

    Check out this new site--Buy Wholesale

    ... took the plunge with a subscription, guess we'll see whether it works out.
  6. treylane

    New fish

    Nano gobies, pygmy filefish, a tiger pistol and some highfin shrimpgobies would be great in a 20g Ugh... Now I'm getting the urge to set up a nano...
  7. treylane

    2020 SF Tank Tour?

    I took photos of @wfong 's sps display and nano
  8. treylane

    Coral Farmers Market - CFM February 8th

    I can help tear down!
  9. treylane

    Can you ID this SPS frag?

    Most likely a pink lemonade acro. It has that weird purple-to-green growth edge and the yellowish base color is about right too.
  10. treylane

    2020 SF Tank Tour?
  11. treylane

    GROW-OUT CONTEST: Alveopora

    In! Something I can actually grow, for once!
  12. treylane

    200g reboot

    I decided to do one last batch of fish through QT before selling off the QT tank. Picked up a couple wrasses, and this guy/gal (sargassum trigger): I've had bluejaw triggers, couple kinds of filefish, valentini puffers in reefs before so I thought this isn't toooo far out into the weeds. I...
  13. treylane

    Tank Teardown & Distribution January 11th/12th

    If the blastos aren’t spoken for, I’ll give them a good home. I also have a little room to temporarily house and distribute corals to the club if there’s anything without a new home by the time you need to drain the tank.
  14. treylane

    Super glue question

    The loctite gel is pretty good in a pinch. I've got some spare BSI glue and a tube of aquastik epoxy in san mateo if you need it.
  15. treylane

    200g reboot

    Yep, so far so good, thanks!
  16. treylane

    200g reboot

    Just spending my Sunday night installing blackout curtains on the tank. As one does. I added light diffusers to the hydras a few weeks ago, which definitely cuts down on the disco ball look inside the tank, but they reeeeally ramped up the glare when looking at the tank from most angles. I...
  17. treylane

    List of Fish stores that quarantine live stock

    As best I’ve been able to gather, these online vendors do some version of a legit QT:
  18. treylane

    List of Fish stores that quarantine live stock

    Same here. AC’s fish selection is excellent, their stock is overall in better condition than other shops, and they don’t tell dodgy stories about their qt processes.
  19. treylane

    List of Fish stores that quarantine live stock

    Every time I see fish doctor posting fish for sale, he's said that they've gone through a 2-4 week copper + prazi treatment, which should eliminate the vast majority of pests. The other LFS I've spoken to about their QT protocols (bay bridge, violet) use a very abbreviated (read: not as...
  20. treylane

    Valentini puffer discoloration

    Puffers can be sensitive to copper, depending on which type you're using - cupramine or coppersafe should be ok if you're careful not to overdose. Do you have a copper tester?