Cali Kid Corals

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  1. capescuba

    AFS / Pellets question

    So I am just starting to poke around with setting up my AFS. And my question is about the pellets food and getting them to sink! I've tried a few types and they all just seem to float at the surface. My clowns don't care, but my tangs and especially my Marine Beta are not flying up to the...
  2. capescuba


    Pretty stable, rarely pops out of a .4 degree tolerance around 78f.
  3. capescuba

    HELP Broken Favites Polyp

    That is insanely cool!
  4. capescuba

    Bad Boy T5 Light Fixture

    Looks more like a tanning bed!
  5. capescuba


    Woke up yesterday to not one, but 2 splits!!! 3rd one in about a month now. Everything in my tank looks pretty healthy, coral growth (SPS + LPS) is pretty good, fish healthy, numbers all look good so I am not sure why they are splitting! Anyway, looking to trade, or free to supporting members...
  6. capescuba

    What are you using for powerheads ?

    I used to have the Oceans motions 4 port on my 210, now a couple of these Hooked up to the Apex for backup.
  7. capescuba

    Gablami's Reefer 525 Build

    I thought it might have been a little out there :)
  8. capescuba

    Gablami's Reefer 525 Build

    Diagonally might be the answer to a sump divider issue I have also. Thanks for the idea! And we are not talking about Harry Potter right?
  9. capescuba

    Two plexiglass tanks

    Thanks again for sharing @xcaret
  10. capescuba

    Jake's 160g flat back hex

    Looks like more water volume in the Skimmer than the sump!
  11. capescuba

    Magnetic Reef Shelfs

    Still dosing, ph goes from ~ 8.04 up to 8.15 daily and the Mag is pretty constant too! I have some diatom stuff going on, but it's pretty minor, just on the sand and waiting for it to figure itself out.
  12. capescuba

    Magnetic Reef Shelfs

    Green Hair Algae
  13. capescuba

    Magnetic Reef Shelfs

    I only have snails right now, and if they don't get their lazy asses up there I'll be having words! ;)
  14. capescuba

    Magnetic Reef Shelfs

    I stopped by at the CFM and we chatted a little about what I was looking for. Still planning things out but will reach out when I am a little more concrete on my plan. Thanks!
  15. capescuba

    First Tank!

    I read some articles or video that seem to suggest this is actually not ideal. Put them under the same/similar light intensity from where they came. In a vendors tank they were probably in full light and putting them in less light can actually stress them more
  16. capescuba

    DBTC- Cali Tort

    33 :)
  17. capescuba

    What did everyone get at the CFM?

    My Daughter ran out of patience and we had a pretty packed day so never made it back around. Can I get once any other way?
  18. capescuba

    What did everyone get at the CFM?

    I got a bunch of stuff (actually my wife and daughter picked out most!) ... I'll post photos once I get chance in the hope of some ids also :)
  19. capescuba

    Magnetic Reef Shelfs

    Looking for something ~ 8" + x 4" or 5" wide .... Before I consider spinning my own
  20. capescuba

    Magnetic Reef Shelfs

    So @Apon set me on this path after peeking at my tank. Essentially using some magnetic rocks to create a floating shelf and get more real estate in my tank. Awesome idea and the best I have come across so far is this - Anyone know any...