Any way to plumb through the wall which is what I've done? I have essentially just the DT in my living room, and all the noisy stuff squirreled away in garage. It's not silent, but nothing that distracts us ...
No me - I went to Ber Valley last weekend and my 12 yr old son managed to ski into, subsequently bought down in a sled and luckily just bruising, but .... what a weekend!
If I can get there early enough this evening, I could pickup / store ??? Let me find out what time I can make it for if that's even an option on your side?
What is the longest folks on here have left their tanks in auto feed / top off etc. mode? Are we all limited to 7 day max vacations once in this hobby or do folks do longer?
Not sure if/how I can help ... I am bringing my wife to the market on the day so can't really help to man the booth, but if there is anything I can bring or help with in another way LMK
MLK weekend saw me get a chance to upgrade my sump a little. I was still using the tiny 20g I got from the cylinder and it was so cramped!
Thanks to @xcaret I was able to get a 45g acrylic as a base, a few simple baffles and sock holder and a world of difference
Next up will be...