Cali Kid Corals

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  1. screebo

    The most amazing corals on the planets...

    Ya big show off! :bigsmile: Love the blue/pink goni and the purple leptastrea among others.
  2. screebo

    We (Reed Mariculture Inc) need your help - Product line naming contest

    Tentacles? watch out, spell check will change it into testicles if you're not careful :O PS PLEASE check you PM's :|
  3. screebo

    We (Reed Mariculture Inc) need your help - Product line naming contest

    Mine came in today's mail too. It tastes a little fishy. :|
  4. screebo


    Hate to lose 'em. I saved a nassarius snail yesterday AM that was waiting on the floor, next to the tank for a helping hand. Left the jump guard open and was very lucky that I only had one very slow inhabitant escape. That was an old blenny, man. Sorry you lost him.
  5. screebo

    "Superman" Rhodactis

    It appears that she has a great sense of humor too! :bigsmile:
  6. screebo

    Bubblegum Milli

    I'd like to offer lucky number 7 for a sprig of this milli. :)
  7. screebo

    tearing down my frag tank

    PS Thanks again for the kind donation of those watermelon zoas. They are multiplying nicely under my LED's :)
  8. screebo

    tearing down my frag tank

    Hey buddy! I hope your Ph is not truly 4.05! Holy Cow lol
  9. screebo

    Monti Setosa

    FWIW: Setosa is such a very cool and vibrant coral, it's relatively easy to grow and makes a striking focal spot in the tank. It's fun to watch it grow too, you never know what shape it will become, given time. I think every mixed reef needs a hunk. :p
  10. screebo

    yaradartist's 36g

    Great report, Richard! :D I too am excited as I watch my reef adapt to the new lighting. Surprisingly, many of my acros and branching corals were shocked by the LED light spectrum and many bleached out and died off. I found this odd as the overall light level seems much lower than having...
  11. screebo

    We (Reed Mariculture Inc) need your help - Product line naming contest

    I "ran as fast as I could" but still couldn't nab one. I had expected a "few" frags of both shrooms but, alas, only one reward. Still a good haul (net fishing term) and pretty unusual in my experience. I've got a couple very special shrooms archived from Mr. Bookfish that are equally as...
  12. screebo


    Nice to find this frag still available and now in my tank! Thanks, Robert........I'm well stocked on everything now including all those peppermint shrimp. I sneaked most of them in the tank just after I did a major feeding of the fish and turned the lights off. I watched them migrate to the...
  13. screebo

    Bartlett's Anthias Pseudanthias bartlettorum Breeding

    I wish I would have done something like that when my fire shrimp perched on the top of the reef and released hundreds of what appeared to be live young into the tank. They became fish food immediately. :(
  14. screebo

    We (Reed Mariculture Inc) need your help - Product line naming contest

    Although the frag only has a three heads, I'll be glad to grow it out a bit and share! It's incredible, non-edible and unforgettable! :bigsmile:
  15. screebo

    Bartlett's Anthias Pseudanthias bartlettorum Breeding

    Wish I could offer ideas. Good luck with the effort, I'm not aware of any/many successful captive breeding attempts of Anthias. Are you planning to isolate the "couple" in a tank where you can separate the fry once they appear? Just thinking out loud. :)
  16. screebo

    We (Reed Mariculture Inc) need your help - Product line naming contest

    Great news, Gresh. I was at Neptune yesterday looking for those extra cool mushrooms and our mutual favorite was already sold! :| My second choice shroom frag was also a "one only" but I took it home. It's the turquoise/orange dot one in Robert's picture. While I was...
  17. screebo

    We (Reed Mariculture Inc) need your help - Product line naming contest

    I made a "name that food' entry. :) Thanks for the opportunity. H)
  18. screebo

    Bright Green Monti Cap

  19. screebo


    Me too, me too! :p
  20. screebo

    Bartlett's Anthias....anyone looking for some?

    Wonder what they look like?