Cali Kid Corals

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  1. cwolfus

    Dan Rather Reports: Lion fish gone wild!

    Yes, unfortunately there are no traps for them and since they don't school the current catch is entirely spear fished! ... The good news is that they apparently taste like chicken! ;)
  2. cwolfus

    Dan Rather Reports: Lion fish gone wild!

    Anyone else see the recent report on the explosive invasion of lionfish in the Caribbean and Atlantic Seaboard? Apparently it is so bad the US gov't is trying to encourage restaurant owners to start serving them so we can decimate that population with consumer demand!
  3. cwolfus


    Jess, thread converted to a chain.
  4. cwolfus

    Green Astreopora

    Post converted to chain.
  5. cwolfus

    Pink Astreopora

    Now its a chain!
  6. cwolfus

    What the heck are you gonna bring to the swap?

    Nice pic! Nice zombie post too!! :D
  7. cwolfus


    Reading a recent thread I was struk by how many crashed, tank failures, and near misses can be attributed to the little things we do/change or fail to do/change. It got me thinking that while I hate to flaunt my own stupidity this is the way we all learn. So, how about posting the silly...
  8. cwolfus

    Chaeto at the BOD mtg?

    Hey gang, I'll be at the BOD meeting tomorrow and need some chaeto. Have some to trim?
  9. cwolfus

    New future member

    It's like he never left! ;) Congrats JAR. I had a feeling she would be early. Now, which BOD member is next? Hehe
  10. cwolfus

    Happy New Year!

    +1 Happy New Year to all. May all your new frags be pest free!
  11. cwolfus

    What are YOU using to clean your Acrlyic Tank?

    I use a kent scraper. Jeremy typically advises they work well at first but should be replaced often or will scratch. I haven't had a problem. Really? I'll have to try that. I imagine it might be good for the IC-Gel fragging accidents.
  12. cwolfus

    BAR Regional Swap February 12th @ Chabot College- Please note location change

    But "bright red zoa" will do just fine. Its probably a better description than one of the fancy/cool/brands used to describe zoas anyways.
  13. cwolfus

    BAR app?

    That's because the app is often just the website (though it looks a little different) but you get to market it in the app store. Check out the reefbuilders on your iPhone as an example.
  14. cwolfus

    Lets trade!

    Robert, if you are looking for more I have a softball sized frag of meteor shower and more pulsing xenia than you can sell! Send me a PM if interested.
  15. cwolfus

    All posts lost from past 12 hours

    +1 Erin, sorry for the stress this must have caused you. Hurray for backups!
  16. cwolfus

    Power usage... what am I doing wrong?

    BrYan, if your chiller is kicking in for a short time late in the day you might consider slightly adjusting your photo period so the heat peak happens later when it is already cooler outside (and in the garage). With a little testing you might determine high temp is reduced by only delaying...
  17. cwolfus

    225 upgrade IS HERE

    Here it is with Ian's links working...
  18. cwolfus

    Congratulations to the 2011 BOD!

    Gresham, Sorry you were irked. I take responsibility as I missed your post until it was too late to do much about it. As we do every year, the BOD committee named a slate. Though you were not named on the slate you were nominated at the meeting for the propagation position. We took...