Our mission

Congratulations to the 2011 BOD!


Past President
One other great thing happened yesterday... we elected the 2011 BOD!

They are:

BrYan (seminole CPA) - President
Jeremy (Tuberider) - Vice President
John (Screebo) - Secretary
BrIan (Tumbleweed) - Treasurer
Ian (Iani) - Sponsorship
Steve (Patchin) - Facilities
Jon (JAR) - Events
Dave (Houser) - Propagation

Please help me in congratulating them!
Thanks guys!
It was a rough campaign.
All the muckraking, mudslinging, payola I'm just glad I don't have to do this for a living!
Sorry I could not be there for my acceptance speech.
It worked out though. I had only written the concession. :D
Right on!

I hope you guys know how rare it is for reef club transitions to go easily and smoothly. Best club ever!
JAR said:
Thanks guys!
It was a rough campaign.
All the muckraking, mudslinging, payola I'm just glad I don't have to do this for a living!
Sorry I could not be there for my acceptance speech.
It worked out though. I had only written the concession. :D
ai don't think I got my share of the payola. Paypal is fine.
Wish I could of been there to run.... but with all the issues with Kaiser I had no choice but to pass on meeting n putting my name in the hat for the bod
Congratulations, new board members... we are in good hands! And a big thank-you to the outgoing board members, for all the hard work this past year.
GreshamH said:
Did i miss a thread about the election?? Since I cant attend how do I toss my name in the ring, or do I need to be nominated?
Just a wee bit irked I got zero reply on this from those in the know....

Sorry you were irked. I take responsibility as I missed your post until it was too late to do much about it.

As we do every year, the BOD committee named a slate. Though you were not named on the slate you were nominated at the meeting for the propagation position. We took out a few minutes in the process for Jeremy to call you but it went strait to voicemail. Since we could not confirm that was a position you wanted to run for I made the call to move on.

I do strongly encourage you to attend BOD meetings and be a part of the decision-making that goes on there. We strive to do that in an inclusive and transparent way. I also urge you to continue to be the leader and example you have been in the club for some time.

My apologies for the poor communication.
I would have declined that position. Im not even sure what that position really is, is that in the bylaws?

When the discussiom of the elections came up during a BOD meeting I announced to the previous BOD my intentions of running, guess debate if the club should buy sausages and if that fit in with the mission statement over shadowed it :(

At any rate congrats to the new BOD.