High Tide Aquatics

Congratulations to the 2011 BOD!

Gresham, I just tried to find the thread you posted the request for election information and could not find it. Could you link it here, or send me a PM with the thread? Thanks,
Richard it does not matter, my questions and concerns have been answered perfectly via pm. FWIW it was the thread announcing the last meeting just after a post announcing the elections. It was just as buried as the election announcement ;)
GreshamH said:
my questions and concerns have been answered perfectly via pm.
Perfect includes beer and a BLT (hold the Lettuce and Tomato).
I'm jealous it perfection did in fact occur.

And to the BOD, grats!!!! (that's to the current BOD who will be free in 2011:p)

And to the future membership of 2011, grats on a good crew who will slave away their soul for the betterment of the club :D

now...as for the future 2011 BOD, you have my condolences and sympathy.

But seriously, thanks to the new continuing, and retiring BOD for stepping up making BAR what it is. Having been active in BAR for a few years and now a solo remote satellite, I can say that I am envious of BAR. Such a great club. Such great people!
Congrats to all... Maaaan I missed an important meeting :( I want to create a new BAR "Sea Party"

Agenda for the "Sea Party":

No Taxation - All sales are sales tax free!
No Spending - Lifetime free membership
Less Government - Sorry, just a president who does everything by him/herself.

Just don't expect me to wear those "Our Miss Brooks" cat style
secretary reading glasses! Also, remember that the first part of the word "secretary" is "secret!" :X
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Glad to be on board, thanks for all the good words of encouragement.
patchin said:
How'd ya know I was gonna make Peking Duck tonight?
Have you ever seen little specs of something floating through your vision? Those are the nano mind reading robots that we fabricated, and slipped into your thermos of coffee.