Cali Kid Corals

Search results

  1. jonmedina

    Porcelain crab?

    I just noticed I've got a good number of these in the tank - I think they're porcelain crabs? They only come out late at night, and they're real fast. But I just added a couple clams to the tank and don't want to risk them getting picked at. Any ideas...
  2. jonmedina

    34G Anemone Tank

    Hey All - update long overdue. Against my wallet's better judgement I decided to start a second tank. I picked up a RS130 from Under the Sea Aquatics, and decided I wanted something lower maintenance in my home office to enjoy when I'm in my work/study cave. Got it several months ago and have...
  3. jonmedina

    Nem deciding to move

    Hey all - after being in one place forever, my baseball sized anemone decided to walk off and is starting to encroach and sting my goni on the other side of the tank. I want to get him out and move him with as little disruption as possible. This is literally the one place in the tank where he'll...
  4. jonmedina

    Sad Filefish

    I've had a filefish for about two years now. Loved that ugly guy so much. Always chill and curious. Somehow had a ridiculous personality. My kid named him Pancake. About a week and a half ago I was reaching in to glue down a frag and out of nowhere this idiot comes screaming in and takes a bite...
  5. jonmedina


    So a swarm of bees (that I suspect, but can't prove) came from my neighbor's neglected hive descended on my house two days ago and immediately popped into my wood siding, about 25' up the side of my house. I'm trying to do the responsible thing, called the local beekeeper society and they said...
  6. jonmedina

    ATS - "water stream refugium" first impressions

    Recently I bought a brand new "hang on sump" algae scrubber from an ebay seller based on a handful of random reviews online. I'd heard he had a great return policy so I figured why not. Well was I ever surprised. It's SO well made and well designed. It doesn't feel like someone's garage DIY...
  7. jonmedina

    SPS care

  8. jonmedina

    Interesting ICP testing data and comparison

    Thought this was pretty interesting on how ICP testing is performed as well as what's tested/what to expect and a review of a few companies out there. Also good info on Fritz Blue Box.
  9. jonmedina

    Back wall monti

    Has anyone had any luck attaching an encrusting coral like a monti to the tank back wall? I was thinking about giving it a try but not sure how best to stick it or if it's a good idea. I was thinking about maybe gluing a corrosion resistant magnet to the back of the frag and then having a magnet...
  10. jonmedina

    Jon's S500 Build (The big move)

    Introduction and Background So I am posting this a bit prematurely, however I'm hoping for any feedback or thoughts along the way, so I figured might as well get things started now as we're about to move this tank on Saturday. I will provide updates and plenty of pictures as we go through the...
  11. jonmedina

    Coral ID - Duncan?

    Hey all! Bought this guy a little bit ago, the shop (Vallejo) said it's a Duncan. I don't think so, but I'm still brand new and don't know enough to say otherwise. Any thoughts?