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  1. rygh

    Opinions on Philips CoralCare gen2 lights?

    I am looking for new lights. Never seem to have time to get around to new DIY ones. Very important to me is lower maintenance and long life. So the Philips ones have two key advantages: 1) No fans to clean, clog, or fail. 2) The UV is more around 415 nm Violet, not the deep UV that fails so...
  2. rygh

    For those with reefs now ... any pictures from an old freshwater tank?

    I think I switched in 2008 Then once upon a time...
  3. rygh

    New DIY lights

    I originally had DIY LED lights, but these were mostly Cool White + Royal Blue. I had a could of reds and things added on, but it was not great. So I went and spent a lot upgrading to AI-Prime lights. Unfortunately, the UV LEDs blow out, taking other circuits with them, so now many are dead. So...
  4. rygh

    MAP of BAR members

    There is an informal map of where BAR members live, for those who want to share. https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=2329301 This was set up by a user, and is not BAR sponsored or BAR maintained. It is public, so you may not want to put your exact address. Just street.
  5. rygh

    Possible very scary anti-aquarium law

    Anyone know more about this?? https://www.reef2rainforest.com/2022/02/04/federal-legislation-threatens-pets-zoos-aquariums-and-biomedical-research/ https://www.naiaonline.org/articles/article/federal-legislation-threatens-pets-zoos-and-aquariums-and-biomedical-research#sthash.mUqqBDUO.dpbs...
  6. rygh

    3D printing to help coral reefs

    Interesting article. https://abc7news.com/coral-reef-climate-change-damaged-pollution/10993177/ Anyone know more about it, or the person doing it? Seems like they are local bay area.
  7. rygh

    Melted AI prime

    Over the last few years, a few fans have died and had to be replaced. But now the problem was fatal. It actually melted the plastic lens section! Possible safety issue. I am a bit unsure what to do. Not going to buy a new one, that is for sure. They usually shut themselves off on thermal...
  8. rygh

    GMAIL is a mess right now

    On 12/14/2020 and especially today 12/15/2020, gmail has been having significant problems. It is randomly responding with "The email account that you tried to reach does not exist." It seems particularly bad when Amazon web services interacts with google servers, which is of course what we use...
  9. rygh

    Old BAR PAR meter sensor

    One of our PAR meters died. I opened it up, and we talked to Apogee, but it simply is not worth fixing. However, the sensor still works. You can connect it to a Voltage Meter, read voltage in mV, and convert to PAR. So it might be useful if someone wants it. IMPORTANT: That "Multiplier factor"...
  10. rygh


    The various threads on borrowing equipment have been moved. Hopefully to make it easier for new members to find, since it will have a more obvious title. But also to make sure only supporting members can access it. New thread here: https://bareefers.org/forum/forums/club-equipment-to-borrow.101/
  11. rygh

    New sales

    The Buy/Sell/Trade new posts have been moved to clean up the site. They were swamping regular posts at times, and we are not craigslist. There is a new category at the top. Like "New posts", all "New Sales" will be there instead. The regular "New Posts" will not include sales.
  12. rygh

    Reef furniture

    As background, I do woodworking as a second hobby. Including live edge tables and such, like this little end table I did recently during the lockdown. Click to expand. But in poking around, someone did a reef epoxy scene in a table. Might consider something like that... Scrounge up fun...
  13. rygh

    Two part dosing thoughts?

    I currently dose two-part, standard DIY mixture from BRS. Calcium chloride + Soda ash. I have noticed a bit of a trend toward the fancier two or three parts, away from DIY. They add in Strontium and many other things. They balance chlorides with sulfates and so on. Useful? Waste of money...
  14. rygh

    ReefBot water tester Review

    As some may know, I bought a ReefBot automatic water tester about a month ago. https://www.reefkinetics.com Unlike the others, this is basically a robot with vials, servos, syringes that mimics how you test. General: It does work, I am glad I have it, but it has a ways to go to be perfect...
  15. rygh

    Website upgrade 2019

    Just a heads up that the web site will change a bit over in the next few weeks. Key goals: Retain current look and feel of the website - no big changes Fix email problems - we are losing paying members due to this. Upgrade to xenForo 2.x framework - old one is end of life, has bugs and...
  16. rygh

    Fish ID

    So Aquatic Collection is advertising this fish: Pretty sure that is not a Moari Wrasse. Looks amazing though. What is it?
  17. rygh

    What would be your dream tank?

    Just for a fun topic.... Assuming money and space were not really an issue, and no huge distractions like kids, what sort of tank or tanks do you dream about? The only caveat - this is your home tank, so you have to stock, scape, maintain, and so on. Some giant thing? A whole wall of...
  18. rygh

    Mindstream monitor seems to be available

    Just got a message that they are ready and taking orders. Supposedly shipping in 6-8 weeks. Product looks good. Might be a tough call between Midstream, Trident, etc. It does the key Alk + Ca of course. But having Magnesium and Potassium would really be nice. And a secondary backup measurement...
  19. rygh

    Beware of fans on AI prime lights

    Just a heads up. I have 12 AI prime lights on my tank. Love the light. Easy enough to program. But the fans are unreliable. Seems like I am on my third failure now. Out of 12, that is a big percentage, and only somewhere between 1-2 years old. Warranty is only 1 year. They do sell replacement...
  20. rygh

    Sand brand seems to matter

    Just FYI. I recently added some sugar-fine sand to my fuge. Tropic Eden was WAY better than Carib Sea. I had an old Carib Sea Aragamax sugar fine bag. I bought a new Tropic Eden sugar fine bag. Both advertise around 0.5 mm, little rinsing. What a difference!! The Carib Sea took a ton of...