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  1. A

    Oceanic 58

    Should I get the infected chromis out now? Is it even worth it or is the damage done? My tank is infected????
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    Oceanic 58

    So I put in a mix of prazi pro and rid ich. And some erythromicin directly into the tank. He seemed to be liking it, just sitting out in the open. My preference would be to catch him in a breeder box and pour this stuff directly on him but he's too hard to catch. Anyway, I hope it's just some...
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    Oceanic 58

    Ok I guess I won't. Just worried about this chromis!
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    Oceanic 58

    http://imgur.com/MtpHvsx http://imgur.com/HwU66f0 http://imgur.com/gFHxDJ8 http://imgur.com/1t2dA1t One chromis looking like this. Thing it's bullying or a parasite? Hoping it's bullying...
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    Oceanic 58

    Crap. Just looked this morning and one of the chromis has a thing on his skin. Should I take it out and try to treat it? Today is day 3 of getting them. Did not quarantine. I better starting quarantining... I'll try and get a picture tonight
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    Oceanic 58

    added a bunch of fish over the last few days. really liking how the tank is coming together. i think i want to try and get one center piece fish like a yellow eye kole tang. i also need to set up what kind of stuff im going to run in the sump. i just ordered some chemipure elite and seachem...
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    Oceanic 58

    Set up the tank. I'll try to get better pictures of the overflow plumbing but I just went ahead and stuck the tubing into the sump. I really like it because the drains sit right over the sump so if there's a leak it should be contained. For the emergency drain, I just let it flow down into the...
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    Oceanic 58

    Hmm I'm leaning towards 4 90 degree fittings (2 for each drain) That way it will be a straight shot to the sump and I can put the gate valve there. I also have some leftover pvc. Should I just bite the bullet now and use hard plumbing under?
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    Oceanic 58

    The silicon tubing is very soft, much softer than vinyl tubing. I might just get new joints. 90 degree elbow sounds pretty good actually
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    Oceanic 58

    Dang, figured. Ok back to the drawing board. While I'm at it should I make the return line hard plumbing? Really worried about the soft tubing hanging over the side of the tank. And I need to make a screen top for the tank that fits around the return line
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    Oceanic 58

    http://imgur.com/mF4OCiY So my tubing is a little off. It seems like it may bend once it's in there. I'm hoping the water will expand the tube. Do u think this is okay? Also, maybe the main drain gate valve can be positioned to minimize the bending in the tube. The tube is silicon tubing and...
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    Oceanic 58

    They are the ones that are sitting on the sump; it came with them. http://www.aquacave.com/eshopps-rs-300-berlin-style-reef-sump-3rd-generation-for-tanks-225-300-gallons.html?fee=1&fep=5512&gclid=Cj0KEQjw-73GBRCC7KODl9zToJMBEiQAj1Jgf_Ny2dRr9VkDIVfSn6ADNeBI37kX-SsCX98q9-HflUAaAn8h8P8HAQ
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    Oceanic 58

    So at the bottom of the 1" and 3/4" bulkhead I have 1" spigots for tubing. For the main drain (3/4") is this okay? It goes down to my sump which is 2 1.25" inlets and I have a 1" adapter for it. So basically the main is .75 to 1 to 1.25 sump and the emergency is 1 to 1 to 1.25.
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    Oceanic 58

    Sorry if link isn't working http://imgur.com/a/hZvGj
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    Oceanic 58

    Here's a picture. Is the durso standpipe for main? and if so, can my 1 inch drain be the main then the smaller 3/4" drain be emergency? They both go down to those white tubes via silicone tubing. The white tubes go in the sump and are fitted with 1" barbs for the two drains on the bulkhead which...
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    Oceanic 58

    Can I make the one inch pipe the one with the durso standpipe? And the 3/4" one an open emergency line? I'm so messed up, I bought all these different parts. I think I need a new standpipe for the 3/4" drain which should be the main drain? I have a gate valve for 3/4". So either I need a 1 inch...
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    Oceanic 58

    Do I need any 90 degree elbows? I want to use soft pipe to bring up water back. Only 90 I can think of would be right at the top near the return.
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    Oceanic 58

    hmm i see what you are saying. i measured and the pump is 3/4" across. what do i use to tighten it around the pump? can zipties work? then i have it go to a return, or a Y and then two returns? can my 634gph pump handle two returns? seems like im better off with one then using something inside...