Reef nutrition

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At least I don't feed bull semen like some researchers have done :lol:
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Just finished adding all the sand in 30 mins ago

Moved the water containers downstairs (need to do a lot of cleaning)
Tumbleweed said:
tuberider said:
You can always scoop some out and replace it with fresh sand, I do it all the time :)
If I remember correctly that is what Steve Weast said he did with his reef.

I seem to recall something about that... but I can't recall the details... email sent, lets see what Steve says :D
Apon said:
Sand is cool!

except in the summer then it's very hot and burns your little feet when your in Santa Cruz Junior Life Guards and have to run up and down the Main Beach :lol:
GreshamH said:
Tumbleweed said:
tuberider said:
You can always scoop some out and replace it with fresh sand, I do it all the time :)
If I remember correctly that is what Steve Weast said he did with his reef.

I seem to recall something about that... but I can't recall the details... email sent, lets see what Steve says :D
Why email when his website is still up? (nice too, it'd be a shame to just delete all that stuff)

Cleaning the sand:
I try to remove as much detritus from the system as possible before it can pollute the tank. My circulation system tends to blow detritus to the center canyon of the aquascaping (which is by design). It is then easily vacuumed up. I vacuum the sand at least once a week. The process is very quick and easy….. I just slide the light hood out of the way and vacuum the entire sand area. This usually takes about two 5 gallon buckets to perform. I then let the vacuumed water, sand, detritus, and other waste settle for about ten minutes in the bucket before I decant the water back into the overflow. Some waste gets back into the system; but, 90% or more of the waste gets totally removed.

This method allows me to vacuum the sand even if I don’t have replacement water available. The vacuumed sand, along with the waste, is then discarded. As the sand gets too thin in the main display tank, new sand is added. It takes about three months of sand vacuuming to completely replace all the sand.
Jeremy that sounds easy enough to do.

Sand gets hot in Hawaii as well. But its not just in the summer.

I ended up adding my black tang to the tank last night. I want the black tang to get used to the tank before adding any other fish.
I definitely pull out and replace sand for tanks that insist on having sand. I prefer bare bottom, but admit sand looks nice. I just don't like dealing with it!
sfsuphysics said:
GreshamH said:
Tumbleweed said:
tuberider said:
You can always scoop some out and replace it with fresh sand, I do it all the time :)
If I remember correctly that is what Steve Weast said he did with his reef.

I seem to recall something about that... but I can't recall the details... email sent, lets see what Steve says :D
Why email when his website is still up? (nice too, it'd be a shame to just delete all that stuff)

Cleaning the sand:
I try to remove as much detritus from the system as possible before it can pollute the tank. My circulation system tends to blow detritus to the center canyon of the aquascaping (which is by design). It is then easily vacuumed up. I vacuum the sand at least once a week. The process is very quick and easy….. I just slide the light hood out of the way and vacuum the entire sand area. This usually takes about two 5 gallon buckets to perform. I then let the vacuumed water, sand, detritus, and other waste settle for about ten minutes in the bucket before I decant the water back into the overflow. Some waste gets back into the system; but, 90% or more of the waste gets totally removed.

This method allows me to vacuum the sand even if I don’t have replacement water available. The vacuumed sand, along with the waste, is then discarded. As the sand gets too thin in the main display tank, new sand is added. It takes about three months of sand vacuuming to completely replace all the sand.

Why? Because he's a friend and I have other stuff to talk to him about. He also may have had issues with what was on his website that he never addressed on the actual website as IIRC there was a good spell of no updates.