Cali Kid Corals

225 upgrade IS HERE

ian you kill me.... upgrade to the SRT of tanks(lol) and then you add a black tang first...... i hate you, when you need to upgrade him with the next tank think of me,LOL
LOL, I had to add him first other wise he would of gotten punked by my other tangs.

Here are some quick shots of some of the other fish I added.




I've had all these fish for a while. They seem to be getting along well. I also added a purple tang in the tank as well.
Macropharyngodon sp. AKA Leopard Wrasse

I'll let him say the species though...
iani said:
Its a potters wrasse. They are notoriously hard to keep. I've had this guy for almost 2 years though.

Potters Leopard wrasse - Macropharyngodon geoffroyi

also known as a Geoffroy's Wrasse