High Tide Aquatics

425XL - Version 2

Arrived sooner than expected, new toys to try out. Is clean chaeto really clean and does coraline in a bottle really work? btw: from Algaebarn.

After 5m freshwater dip, into chaeto prison for 16 days.


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Arrived sooner than expected, new toys to try out. Is clean chaeto really clean and does coraline in a bottle really work? btw: from Algaebarn.

After 5m freshwater dip, into chaeto prison for 16 days.

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I can comment on the coraline. I'm not convinced that it accelerated my coraline growth - I think frag plugs and snails probably spread most of it.
I would be using purple/pink to seed the tank with coralline algae. There are other bottles out there that are suppose to enhance/speed up coralline growth, this one claims to seed it.
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I would be using purple/pink to seed the tank with coralline algae. There are other bottles out there that are suppose to enhance/speed up coralline growth, this one claims to seed it.
Yep, I got the same brand &product in purple. My tank now has primarily pink coralline :) I attribute it to my first xenia frag from aquatic collections tbh.

Tank is cycled and currently going through the ugly phase. Ammonia tests show that 2ppm will be converted over night, but for some reason nitrite is still present at low amounts. Will be happy when nitrite is zero.

Diamond goby found a way through the screen. He lived for 1 day in the tank and was doing a great job sifting sand.

Posted on another thread about Ich in my tank, thanks to everyone that provided information and experience. For now, I will lean on Ich management and see how that goes knowing that Ich is still present.

Good news is my Anthias is getting better and no other fish are showing signs of ich.


Gota frag tank and moved some rocks from the main display to seed it. All corals will be quarantined in the 20 gallon for awhile (not sure how long yet) before it goes into the main display.

Will be working on getting this ready for my first corals… almost shopping time. :)

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Posted on another thread about Ich in my tank, thanks to everyone that provided information and experience. For now, I will lean on Ich management and see how that goes knowing that Ich is still present.

Good news is my Anthias is getting better and no other fish are showing signs of ich.

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If you only have fish in your tank now is the time to use Metroplex. It will wipe out the ich, and any velvet or uronema. You‘ll almost certainly bring those back in your tank by frag plugs and exposed coral skeleton but by then your fish will be brought back to health and have more resistance.
If you only have fish in your tank now is the time to use Metroplex. It will wipe out the ich, and any velvet or uronema. You‘ll almost certainly bring those back in your tank by frag plugs and exposed coral skeleton but by then your fish will be brought back to health and have more resistance.

Added Zoa corals yesterday :-(.
Well, then just feed those fishies well to boost their immune system. One way to accomplish that is set an auto fish feeder to run, for anthias, probably 4x per day.
thanks chromis, currently autofeeder running 2x a day with pellets and manual feeding with frozen brineshrimp soaked in selcon 2x day. Was thinking about more auto-feed times once work demands more in office time.
Not really sure what to do with this mandarin. Moved him from the main display to the frag tank so he can eat. In the DT, all the other fishes are pigs so he doesn’t get a chance. Currently added Apex pods to the DT, hopefully they will multiply in a couple of months to sustain feeding for the mandarin.

Been about a month since discovering ICH in the tank. Treated the tank with Polyp Lab Medic for 14 days + adding Selcon yo daily feeding. Luckily there has been no casualties. How long would you wait before adding fishes? I am eyeing a yellow/purple tang but not sure if its a good idea. I have read some fishes are more resistant to ICH while others are more susceptible. Any advice?
Orders some snails, came with a bunch of vermetids on the shell. Used a coral cutter, sharp blade, and a toothbrush to attempt to clean them off. All are going into my QT tank.

Besides the pests, most of my Astrea snails are not moving as well as others. Luckily both fighting conch are alive. Hoping that all these snail wakes up by today/tomorrow.

Picture taken 4 hrs after dipping routine. Was worried that the dipping routine was too aggressive, but guess the torches are doing ok. Glad I did some research and got advice on a better routine then using Coral RX alone. Torches in QT for observation.


2 Days after Dipping.

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Starting to see little bubbles on my rock work. Will see what happens, making note of possible changes to the tank.
  • Maturing of the tank and nutrient imbalance.
  • Added Selcon to the diet, have read that excessive Selcon can cause Cyano. Plan would be to use it myabe 2x a week instead of everyday.
  • GHA grew all over the Chaeto so was exporting GHA every week. I threw the GHA/CHAETO ball away anticipating new chaeto in the mail Unfortunately the Chaeto arrived in non-usuable condition so tossed that as well. Besides protein skimmer, there is no nutrient export until new Chaeto arrives in the mail.