got ethical husbandry?

9th- SF TANK TOUR 2014 - NOV 9th Sunday

I will most likely be at Kris' house for the showing since he is just a 5 min drive from me. I wont be attending the previous or later tanks.
updates added.
Apon, Kris,
My wife Ellen will cook and bring garlic noodles and curry chicken served with rice for the tour group. I need a final estimate of people attending two days before November 9th. Do we have dish ware ?
Apon, Kris,
My wife Ellen will cook and bring garlic noodles and curry chicken served with rice for the tour group. I need a final estimate of people attending two days before November 9th. Do we have dish ware ?

Yum, that sounds great!

We have plates, utensils, napkins and cups for all. We are planning to BBQ a pork loin. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Thx,


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Change of plans for me... won't be making it to the tour. Have fun you guys and be sure to share pictures if anyone takes any! :)
Yum, that sounds great!

We have plates, utensils, napkins and cups for all. We are planning to BBQ a pork loin. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Thx,


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Apon/ Kris
I need the first house Kris house address.
Update 11-7-2014

Addresses sent out in PM. Please confirm if you did not get anything from me. Wilfred I think you get PM too since your id came up in my list, but let me know and I can send it in email if you need. ( we still have open spots for folks but I need to know by Sat night)

Please update food so we know what is coming. Looks good so far, but we can use a dessert or other drinks? - I like coke zero :)
Only bring enough to feed like 8 people (not 14) otherwise we will have too much food and Kris gets leftovers. If there are any food allergies or constraints (vegetarians) let us all know too.

If Carpools are needed post as well.

See you all on Sunday!

Schedule so far

11am Kris's place -potluck
1pm Mike's place
2pm Justin's Place
3pm Wilfred's Place
4pm Lucky Ocean store visit
4:30pm Arnold's place

Still need updates from folks.. I think it will be a small group this year. About dozen or so folks.

Update 11/2-2014 - Please let me know if you are bring any guest. We need a headcount for food.

Updated 10-31-2014 - still some room to rsvp. I guess it won't be sold out this year : )
Tour day details will come out on Monday ( I will send out in PM again), but its will be 11am to 4pm or so. Also please update me for question or potluck items.

Thanks Arnold

Hello Club,

Updated Sunday Nov 9th confirmed. Only a few weeks away. Seems like the best day since the holidays are coming. I think we have at least 4 to 5 tanks lined up so far, but I guess this year JAR can't host. Kris has offered to host the potluck at his house. Anyways sign up now and let me know if you are bring guests.

I am probably going to try to add Lucky Ocean as a stop again and working on a BAR discount.

Also if folks on the tour are interested in a cleanup crew group buy or Coral group buy lmk. I have done a coral buy where folks put in some money we drew coral (sps mini colonies) from a box for like $20 a draw depending on the cost of the box or corals. Just some ideas to make it more fun.

Its been a year since I did one of these, but I think its time. I am thinking early November (Sunday the 9th?)and I am trying to work out this date with JAR since he has the nice place for the potluck. I need to confirm with him.

First I need to see who will be interested in showing their tanks. So please respond here if you can. I think we need at least 5 tanks to make worth it. I will pick a date depending on availability of folks.

For those who have not gone to this before you can click on old pics and info. ( I think the pics are gone since we moved forums) or

Its always been a good time with a good group of people. We usually go from 11am to about 4pm or so- with a potluck or something.
Although this is NOT an official BAR Event - I want to open it to around 20 current supporting 2014 BAR Members....priority rsvp will go to people showing tanks and paying members. If you are not a paying member you can still sign up, but ones that are will get first spots. We have always ran out of room before. I will have to see how much interest or help I get to organize.

Again - This is NOT a club sponsored event - so all complaints/questions go to me, not the club.

please respond with this guys know from before : )

Real Name / BAR handle / Showing vs viewing /Potuck item?/Date ok?
  1. Arnold / Apon / ***Showing 120 mixed reef tank and 30 zeroedge tank / DIM SUM /Nov 9th ok?
  2. John/ aqua-nut / viewing / TBD / Nov 9 is ok.
  3. Coral reefer/Mike/ **Showing new tank/ Drinks/ Nov 9th ok
  4. Justin / ReggaeDrummin / **Showing 30g rimless assorted sps /TBD /9th is good
  5. Wilfred/WFONG/**Showing /120 SPS tank ( this was awesome last year)/TBD Dish/9th is ok
  6. Kris / kmooresf / **Showing 300 gallon SPS. I won't be able to join the full tour, so no food. I'll try to have snacks at the house. Nov 9 is good.
  7. Winield / wpeterson / viewing / TBD Food or Drinks / 11/9 is good for me
  8. William / Swayd / viewing /TBD/ 11/9 is good
  9. Mike / SFSU / viewing / what do people want? Finger foods? scoopable foods? snack food? / any sunday
  10. Dan/Trigger/ just for Kris's place
  11. Wilfred +1/Wife/TBD Dish/9th is ok
  12. Alex / alexuribe / viewing / TBD (requests?) / Nov 9 is great
  13. Alex + 1/ alexuribe / viewing / TBD (requests?) / Nov 9 is great
Wait list
Guys, bad news. My tank is out on the tour. I hope to join you at kris' tank at least. Have a great time. I feel awfull. So sorry to let people down.
Thanks for setting up the tour Arnold, I also want to apologize to you and Wilfred for bowing out. I did want to see your tank, but my back started acting up a bit and I really had to get someplace comfortable (and some painkillers).

But overall, looked awesome, and I will be ready next year to show off my tank.... I hope :D