Reef nutrition

A YouTube Video I Made

I made this YouTube video with my dog. I sped it up a bit and did some stuff to it. The music is Boom Boom Pow sped up 3 times. Remember to rate it (and comment if you want)

How do you like it? Do you think it is funny? Be honest. If you don't think it is funny, state why not and what I can do to make it better next time. BTW, that is me behind the pillow... :)
Yeah, I'm going to go into the "I don't find it very funny" category. Moving a dogs legs around doesn't constitute a dance... I've seen that trick before and it works better if there's something physical the dog is doing with it's paws... like playing the drums or something along those lines. Plus when the dog tries to bite you near the end it kind of shows he/she doesn't appreciate what you're doing.
sfsuphysics said:
Y I've seen that trick before and it works better if there's something physical the dog is doing with it's paws... like playing the drums or something along those lines. Plus when the dog tries to bite you near the end it kind of shows he/she doesn't appreciate what you're doing.
sfsuphysics said:
Yeah, I'm going to go into the "I find it very funny" category. Moving a dogs legs around constitutes a dance... I've seen that trick before and works!!!! like playing the drums or something along those lines!!! Plus when the dog tries to bite you near the end it is hilarious.