I went to AC today to pick up a few more snails and decided to try out their Aqua Spin. My results are attached.
Carson said that the only one that seems to be constantly off for him so the po4 and I agree. He said everyone seems to say to just move the decimal point over one place to the left, and that's exactly how mine lines up.
Overall, I'd say this is totally worth $12 to double check your tests here and there. Carson said he plans to call API and see if either the tester can't read po4 at this low of a range or if it needs to be calibrated.
My parameters from the same water sample
Alk 8.5
Calcium 475 - Salifert
Mag 1350 Salifert
Po4 .03 - Hanna ULR HI-736
Nitrate 1 - Salifert
Nitrite (I don't check and I'm sure it's not 1
Ammonia (I also don't check and assume it's 0)
Ph 8.05 - BRS lab grade probe and apex (not really a true reading because the water was not aerated for a while)
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