Reef nutrition

Acan Rainbow Orange with green, red, a little purple and grey

Here is the original frag (ya, saturation is a wee bit up :p

..then I grew it out till I could frag off a couple heads
This is what it is like now (now with proper saturation lol). Color has shifted to a nicer rainbow (imo). Bit lower light
Anybody have any new frags of this? I'd love to have a frag. I have a blue/purple acan and he has done great in my 14g & 34g for about a year now. :)
Hey Tony! 0:)
Any chance you'd saw a head or two of this beauty that could "fall out of the tank" into a plastic bag with tank water? :bigsmile:

Love to grow this one out. My acan garden looks better every day.
with a thin blade diamond band saw, you can cut individual eyes. With a dremel, you cut most of the way through the backside and "break" the acan. Tissue will tear and normally heals.