Neptune Aquatics

Adding Tang(s)

Powders were described as “ich magnets” in a BRS TV episode, so adding any more tangs may also cause outbreaks since it will definitely stress your powder brown.
I once add a powder and some other tangs at same time, it developed ick and went on wipe out 3/4 of my tangs.

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Depends what you are ok with them eating. What “reef inhabitants” are you talking about exactly? Almost all fish will eat pods, that wouldn’t concern me. Shrimp? Not cool with that...and corals? Hell no

Ya different strokes different folks. I like fish equally with corals so I don’t care if my dwarf angel nibble stuff here and there.

I’m thinking about a 8’ tank in the next year or three and actually considering a fowlr so I can finally have a queen angel! But a big reef with “all the Tangs” also pretty tempting
So I got two tangs and they’re in an acclimation box in the DT since yesterday. They’re calm and ate some Nori. The other fish are mostly ignoring them. I don’t know what I’m looking for...there have been no vicious attacks from the powder brown.
I let them out after feeding the tank and adding a mirror. One stood his ground to the PB and is now acting like he’s been in the tank since day one.

The other was attacked by the PB and banished to a corner where he’s picking on algae. I added some PVC fittings that are his size but too small for the PB. He did stand his ground against the flame angel, which is a start.
I am super late to this conversation but what I’ve done with tangs is when I add the I make sure the body styles are different. Before I once added a yellow and then brought in a scopus. Because their body styles were similar they went after each other a lot. I’ve notice the different body style was more easy. I have a Blonde Naso , then added 3 yellows and they don’t even freak out when swimming by each other
The bullied Tomini left his corner and is now picking on the rocks like a good Tang should. He’s got some fin damage and a dangly scale but some Selcon soaked Nori should help him heal quickly.
Here are the two new recruits (white spots are on the glass, not the fish)
