This assumes alk of 7.7/7.8, which I only referenced from the ICP. You go down your matrix and select alk above 8 and assume I get CO2 down to 500 ppm, N/19, which I did for several days the week before, I should get 8.2, which I do not get with this tank.View attachment 67108
Assuming there's some small error built into your alk result, the PH probe, and the CO2 monitor - I'm not seeing any big mystery here?
This assumes alk of 7.7/7.8, which I only referenced from the ICP. You go down your matrix and select alk above 8 and assume I get CO2 down to 500 ppm, N/19, which I did for several days the week before, I should get 8.2, which I do not get with this tank.
I had alk above 9 (unintentionally) which did not move the needle at all, and potentially links to my issues where I have to dose high amounts of bicarb to reach normal alk levels (probably more than twice the normal amounts).
@Alexander1312 I also have a large skimmer and a ton of surface agitation. It takes my tank several *days* of consistently low CO2 in the air for the PH to normalize at what I would expect to, based on the tables/science.All these values assume that tank CO2 levels are at equilibrium with ambient air. Personally, the first thing I would do is confirm that there is not a gas exchange deficiency in your larger tank before doing anything else.