Well, I think I've pretty much decided that at some point, I'm just going to move the anemone and the clownfish to their own tank. Now I have to think about what kind of tank to set up for them. I think it will either be a 29g nano cube that will pretty much be a dedicated tank for them, or it will be a significantly larger FOWLR tank, like a 120. Don't really know if I want to set up that large a tank though, but I figure if I'm going to set up a FOWLR that will house more than just the clowns and nem, it might as well be big enough to hold fish that I like.
I think the nano is the smarter, more economical way to go, but my husband isn't all that crazy about how it looks. But a big tank is a much bigger commitment, even though I would love to have a tank where I can have all the fish I can't have in a reef. Plus, it would be pretty hard to budget that, hehe.
Arg! This hobby costs too much money!