got ethical husbandry?

Anthony's 33g Oceanic Cube Tank

I figure I'd may as well start a tank thread, since all of the cool kids are starting one :D

Maybe later down the line I will start a small tank thread on my 15g BTA tank 8) Nothing really ever changes in that tank though ... just nine BTA's and two ocellaris, nothing else.

Anyways, back to the chase. I got this tank from another reefer, used. The previous owner to myself, created an external "coast to coast-ish" overflow box attached to the back of the tank. The inside the overflow box fashioned in a flooded drain style. Dead silent 99% of the time -it's beautiful :)
As far as equipment is concerned, I do not have an extensive array of fancy toys.
I have the basic in's & out's; here goes.

The tank:
Bare bottom 33g Oceanic Cube
14g custom sump to fit into the matching Oceanic stand
~8g in the sump, for ~41g total system volume
The tanks return line is drilled though the right panel of the tank

Current USA 150w Sunpod w/ Phoenix bulb

35 lbs. live rock
Euro-Reef RS-80, with mesh-mod

Eheim 1260 return pump
(2) Hydor Koralia 2's for in tank circulation

(2) 150w heaters

I have an 8-switch DJ Power Panel fastened to the inside of my stand, so I can control power to the equipment I fiddle with the most.

No ATO here either ... my sump area is pretty tight as is, and I fear I'd just break a float switch if I had one in my sump.
Rather, I got this idea from Jimmy (nanoguy); I have a five gallon bucket filled with top off water, and inside the bucket I have a pump that pushes water from the bucket via poly vinyl tubing into my sump when I want to top off. All I do is flip a switch to turn the pump on and off, and make sure the bucket has water in it :)

(3) Green chromis, Chromis viridis
(2) Tail-spot blennies, Ecsenius stigmatura
(1) ORA Orchid Dottyback, Pseudochromis fridmani
(1) Pink skunk clown, Amphipirion perideraion
(1) Six-line wrasse, Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
(2) Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp, Lysmata amboinensis
(1) Blue Knuckle Hermit Crab, Calcinus elegans?
Additionally, I have a handful of Trochus and Turbo snails to clean up any algal matter my blennies miss :D

Feeding: I feed my fish four to five times a week, a blend of Hikari mysis, spectrum pellets, and cyclopeeze. I add some Reef Nutrition Oyster Feast to my tank every morning, and wow the corals go nuts!

I do not have a calcium reactor, or a refugium. I currently dose two-part solution daily. I am diligent about performing 10% weekly water changes.

As far as corals go, it is a grab bag of whatever I found interesting, really. I am not necessarily into the whole "name-brand" coral thing that many others are. I just get what I like, haha :party: All in all, definitely nothing rare. Acropora, Fungia, Seriatopora, Montipora's (digitata is my favorite by far!!!), zoanthids, palythoas, a gorgonian, mushrooms, Favia, Favites, Caulastrea, Duncans, Clavularia, and a small Sarcophyton. That's all I can recall off the top of my head at the moment.
Just a big mixed lot of SPS, LPS, and softies.

So, nothing super fancy -but heack, it all works ;)
I am currently working on a full tank shot ... it is harder than I thought to get a decent one. I'll be sure to get that up in the near future. For now, I'll throw up a couple pictures of my livestock.









Thanks for the kind words Tony :)
I am working on a current, up-to-date FTS.
Here are a couple photos of the tank after I did the rock, and prior to the tank fill.

Phong -Up until now, I did not realize how hard it is get a decent full tank shot :~ I'll do my best to get one soon. Tomorrow if I have time.



when you figure out how to get a good FTS let me know!
All of mine are bad.
All your coral shots look very professional!
Nice corals! :)
Great shots of your coral Ant. I wish I could take pics like that!

Looks like you're getting a lot of great colors from your corals!
Thanks Durwin :)

So, here are some shots of my tank ... not the greatest pictures, I just took them quick and dirty. I start school tomorrow, so I wanted to get some shots for you all before I get really busy.

This is the upper portion of my tank


This is the lower portion

Bottom front left corner



This is where the magic happens
Okay, I'll give it a completely new try!
If this attempt doesn't work, I'm doomed, haha.

Upper tank real-estate


Bottom half of tank

Bottom of tank


Where the magic happens

Quick and dirty FTS
pslee said:
Very nice, Ant! Your tank is aging like fine wine =) Can I request a close up of the gorgonian?

Thanks Pat! Need to come over and see it in person bro!
How is this for the gorgonian (P. bipinnata)?

Thanks Otaku! The white balance may off set the actual coloration the bulb is putting out, but I don't think it is that far off. It's schweet! I love it. The bulb is about 9 months old ... time for a new Phoenix soon :)
Thanks Durwin! I look at my tank everyday for at least 10-15 minutes, so coral growth seems really slow to me :D
I must admit though that the growth under the MH is great. Plus, the shimmering from the MH ... oh the shimmering ... :)