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Anyone seen these Cardiff Aquariums....thoughts....

Hey all,
Wanted to see what you guys think of these "new" Cardiff aquariums???

They go for like 900 bucks I guess... what do u think about the light as well?????
if they go for 900 bucks, i would just get a bigger reef ready tank and some metal halides if your gonna spend that kind of money on a tank and light system.
That looks like a really tight curve on the front, which I'm guessing will distort the image something fierce on anything too far off axis... which you can actually see in the pictures.

If you want some modern art aquarium, then sure it'll work, but as knucklehead mentioned, for that kind of coin I'd go with a proper reef setup :)
Personally, I wouldn't go with a curved front aquarium. As Mike mentioned it really distorts the image. I owned a 72 gallon bowfront for years and was so happy when I upgraded to a regular rectangular 80 gallon.
:D I agree with the three above me. I had a 54g corner tank and when I got rid of it I had a party :p
My little 28G JBJ has just the slightest curve on the front but I don't like even that. My tank isn't really that bad, but even then, there still is some slight distortion. This bothers me. Also, if you ever want to take really clean macro photography shots of your tank the curve causes just enough distortion that you loose the sharp clean image you were hoping for. Hope this helps.