So I have two things plugged into my EB832: my return pump and my heater controller.
Over the last few days, my return pump has been shutting off for a few seconds. Looking at the output log, I see this:
You can see the two ON events, but no OFF events. My return pump programming has only:
What is going on?
Secondly, last night, the heaters were off all night for no reason. The tank was at 72° this morning. No alerts, nothing. Good thing there’s no livestock.
Could it be that the EB832 is just failing randomly?
Over the last few days, my return pump has been shutting off for a few seconds. Looking at the output log, I see this:
You can see the two ON events, but no OFF events. My return pump programming has only:
What is going on?
Secondly, last night, the heaters were off all night for no reason. The tank was at 72° this morning. No alerts, nothing. Good thing there’s no livestock.
Could it be that the EB832 is just failing randomly?