While peppermint may sound like a good choice, sometimes they aren't. It all depends on their personality. The ones I had ate the aptasia. Then when there was nothing left to eat and my aggressive clowns were eating all the food I put in the tank, they ate my $50 torch coral. After that the decided to nibble on my $40 xenia which eventually melted. They did spawn a lot, but then my weird clowns got hungry when I started to give them less food and I never saw the peppermint shrimp again... which made me exceptionally happy! I'm not saying they will definitely act that way, but there is a chance. Like I said, it all depends on their personalities. But if you do decide to get some and want to get them cheap, All About Fish over in Pleasant Hill sells them for $8.99 each and they have a huge variety. But if it was my decision, I wouldn't get them just to be on the safe side, yet I wouldn't use Joe's Juice either since it can be tough to target aptasia without hitting other things. Do what one of the experts that has dealt with this problem a lot before says.