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Are any of the BOD (or anyone) in contact with Reef Central mods?

LOL. Yes, happy about the Giants, happy about a 3 day weekend, happy about the padres losing 10 straight including some games over a three day weekend. And I'm going to Monterey tomorrow!?

But RC....This got me ticked.
I don't think you are gonna get much leverage any way you cut it. Want an idea of why we have our own forum and aren't on RC any more?
The rc mods are powertripping asshats. I'm ashamed I sent them money years ago when they were going under and I refuse to post there anymore.

Fwiw, the ban is on the ip address of the computer you used at the time, so clear your cache on any other logged in computers and you will be able to view rc and even create another login. No message board ban is enforcible on a board with open registration. If you've been banned the best thing to do (assuming you wish to continue posting) is create a new login on another computer, and be careful not to use that computer to protest or in any way
linked to the other account. You can find free email addresses that can be set up to forward your notifications to your regular account.

It's not worth your time to fight them, there is no oversight and they have free reign to powertrip at will.
Bryan - Yes...I've known that for some time...But I mean - The site is good for some things... There's a boatload of people on there for one.

Anathema - Sorry idk your name but I thought the ban was on the IP address. Isn't the IP specific to the entire internet connection? MAC address is specific to computer, no? And yes I agree with what you said :) It wasn't really a thread. A mod basically accused me of being some guy named Lam. No clue as to who he is or what the heck he did but apparently I don't want to be him.. :D She went from accusing me to being him to accusing me and someone else (also a BAR member) of being the same person. It was a bit ridiculous. I reasoned out a truthful, valid argument and her response was...Well, I can't prove that so you're banned. w.t.f. I'm pretty sure I contribute more than I take from that damned site...Mostly stuff I learn from here.. :D
It's specific to the ip address of that exact machine. It doesn't block your connection.

Sounds like you need to go on the lam.
Thanks to both - Will do. At first I thought she meant LAM as in local area multicomp...But nope. An actual person 'Lam...'
Tumbleweed said:
mpoletti is a mod on RC, not sure he could do anything for your but you could always send him a PM and ask.

He's "Team RC" not a mod.

FWIW, RC has really become useless as everyone has bailed, just look at the amount of responses that people get to questions as compared to a couple of years ago.
I haven't been around long enough to compare but I believe you guys.. That said, I don't like being wrongly accused and punished for something that's untrue by some lonely person going on a power trip..
tuberider said:
Tumbleweed said:
mpoletti is a mod on RC, not sure he could do anything for your but you could always send him a PM and ask.

He's "Team RC" not a mod.

FWIW, RC has really become useless as everyone has bailed, just look at the amount of responses that people get to questions as compared to a couple of years ago.

The local forum for SF Bay has gone down badly since BAR took the decision; became the marketplace for aquarium equipment.
The recession we're in in my believe has a lot to do with it. Very few people post something constructive there.
Look at the MARS forum under RC, is more active; that has been the reason I have ventured to meet people as far as Sacramento.
If MARS decided to "leave" RC something similar would happen IMO.
tuberider said:
Tumbleweed said:
mpoletti is a mod on RC, not sure he could do anything for your but you could always send him a PM and ask.

He's "Team RC" not a mod.

FWIW, RC has really become useless as everyone has bailed, just look at the amount of responses that people get to questions as compared to a couple of years ago.

Thanks Jeremy that is what I meant sorry.
If it really was a misunderstanding, I would simply mail/message one of the mods who banned you. If it was a big shouting match, names called, you selling something as a company, etc... then maybe you should just browse in "read only mode" (which you can do, the banning is simply for posts).

And yeah IP addresses are linked to your actual internet connection, if you have a static one you're screwed (many people have static addresses), if you have a dynamic one, then you can potentially get back on, however they probably banned your user name not your IP address. Unless of course they had a mad spammer who happened to be in a similar block as you so they banned an entire block of IPs.

And there is some use to ReefCentral, I think the DIY section alone is worth it's weight, the "local clubs" of course is simply one huge for sale area so yeah... coral forums seem to be either "Hey look at this new coral I got" or "Lets every one post this species of coral" or "Look an ORA coral that's green... isn't it cool!" :D (yeah I unfairly rag on ORA .. I'm sorry :))
Actually, it was my understanding that most people had dynamic IPs. Even if that is the case, you can always use a proxy server ;)
Do they? I dunno, I got DSL a LONG time ago, when we got static addresses as opposed to dynamic (and yeah I'm only counting those with broadband, those with dialup are basically watching the internet go by from the sidelines :D)
Most IPS will charge you extra for static ip. Like Tony said most have dynamic IPs. I don't think RC ban people using only IP address because that would be very stupid. Of course I haven't got banned so I don't know for sure. :bigsmile:
Hmm well I'm currently banned and it only affects one machine, but I have 4 broadband connections, 5 in the winter that I log in from. I can use the same network and a different computer and surf RC/create a login, w/e but if I try to view RC on the one computer that I was posting from when I was banned I get a message telling me when my ban will expire.

I assumed that indicated the IP address of the specific machine was being used, but I didn't really put any effort into it.