High Tide Aquatics

Auto Feeders

I have never used on of these and I was wondering if on any of them you can adjust how much is dosed. I was thinking of using one for dosing some dry additives to my tank on a daily basis.
Like Tony, I have the Eheim auto feeder. I really like it. It has a sliding door that allows control of the portion size. I have it set to feed twice a day; programming was very easy. The only issue is that my fish sometimes aren't fast enough to consume all the NLS pellets before they end up swept along the surface into the drain. But this would be a problem with any automatic feeder that isn't paired with a feeding ring or some sort of chute to deposit the food beneath the surface.
Dry supplements as in a feed, or something to boost CA/ALK/MG?etc levels? It the latter, that is ill advised.
What product? Most are best premixing out of the tank in a liquid so granules don't fall onto your corals and kill them.
Mmmm Marc Weiss products are highly known for their snake oil like qualities. I would get onto another product. one that doesn't use quartz.

Crude protein, crude fiber, quartz, Cytokinin, yeasts

Derived from ferment of: Citrus leaves, yeasts, animal by-products

Yah that's not such a great calcium supplement.'

GreshamH said:
Yah that's not such a great calcium supplement.'


Everything I know tells me that that ingredient list has NO available calcium, let alone "Contains high levels of available calcium"
Gomer said:
GreshamH said:
Yah that's not such a great calcium supplement.'


Everything I know tells me that that ingredient list has NO available calcium, let alone "Contains high levels of available calcium"

Ahh, but you are basing your opinion on actual science.
Read this for some laughs.
A surprisingly common belief.
My guess - that quartz (Sio4) is supposed to be biologically (magically) transmuted into Calcium.
BTW: I do want to make very clear that I (and probably others) were not making fun of anyone who might
be using that black powder product.
It is the people spreading junk-science like that that I can't stand.
It can sound so real sometimes, especially twisted around in advertising.
And who knows, it is even possible that black powder may do some beneficial things.
Just no way that it turns quartz into calcium.
At this point in the hobby, on a forum like this, it almost makes sense to make fun of people using that product. :D

I think I got ripped off. Also I thought a product had to have a certain degree of honesty for it to be allowed to be sold. Like I couldn't sell a bottle of water and say it would make you regrow a kidney.
nudibranch said:
I think I got ripped off. Also I thought a product had to have a certain degree of honesty for it to be allowed to be sold. Like I couldn't sell a bottle of water and say it would make you regrow a kidney.

Its a common problem. Google scam product.

There are a million products that are complete scams that are sold every day. Its been a long time, but I believe none of the claims that are on the product you bought are actually testable.