Our mission

BACFM is May 11 - Discount tickets available now!


Past President
The 2008 BA-CFM (Bay Area - Coral Farmers Market) is coming to the Hilton in Fremont/Newark on May 11. http://www.ba-cfm.com/

Thanks to Steve Tyree, we are able to offer discounted tickets at only $11 ($10 + $1 to cover Paypal fees) compared to the $15 for tickets ordered on or before our meeting on Sat April 12. Tickets are $30 at the door.

Just make payment to paypal@bareefers.org and be sure to include your real name in the paypal notes!

Sorry for the delayed response. We will be selling tickets at the April meeting. $10 cash or $11 using paypal. See you there.
9 left to be exact. As Charles said send a paypal for $11 each and we will email you the ticket code so you can get your entry at the door (no need for the actual ticket).
here is the link to https://www.paypal.com/ . Login into your account. make payment to paypal@bareefers.org and in the notes add comment for BACFM.