Our mission

BAR help at BAYMAC

Hmm, tables? We dont need no stinking tables! Just put some cinder blocks on the floor with a couple 2x4s across them and a sheet of plywood on top :D

Seriously, closest thing I have is a tank stand that measures 60" x 18" on the top.. it's not 24 wide, but with a sheet of plywood it should do ... however someone has to take it ... just throwing it out there if there are no other options.

Oh and I'll help out in whatever capacity I can when I'm there after I've done some shopping/looking, my ID skills are fair to the genus level, but no where close to some on here who obviously are quite handy. After all most pictures I've seen have been macro shots, so excuse me if a little 1/8" polyp of some LPS doesn't look the same as the 6" picture on my screen I've been looking at :D
I have a foldable rubbermaid table (4x2)- but not sure how much it can hold. cinder blocks might work too, but we wouldn't want to stratch any of the floors - se you would need a big tarp or carpet/rug too.
I have plain 5 ft resin table you can use and some folding chairs. Dont know the allowable weight it can support? But i can sit on it
I have a table and a few chairs I would be more than happy to lend . I wont be able to pick it up though so if Jeremy or Brian could get it back to me that would work . I could deliver it though .
You might be doing this already, but I was wondering if you could post shift times with peoples names so we know what times we are expected to be there.


(set-up help) 9:30/10:00 to 12:00 Person #1 (skilled IDer) Person #2 (helper/cashier) Person #3 (helper/coral bagger)

12:00 to 2:00 Person #1 (skilled IDer) Person #2 (helper/cashier) Person #3 (helper/coral bagger)

ETC. You might want to run shifts past 5pm for clean-up help?

Just a sugggestion. :)
We'll open doors for vendors @ around 8am. 9:30 is far too late for such a set-up. I want you done by 10am :)
Lyn said:
You might be doing this already, but I was wondering if you could post shift times with peoples names so we know what times we are expected to be there.


(set-up help) 9:30/10:00 to 12:00 Person #1 (skilled IDer) Person #2 (helper/cashier) Person #3 (helper/coral bagger)

12:00 to 2:00 Person #1 (skilled IDer) Person #2 (helper/cashier) Person #3 (helper/coral bagger)

ETC. You might want to run shifts past 5pm for clean-up help?

Just a sugggestion. :)

I will when I have enough volunteers before lunchtime, it seems that there are plenty of people that want to help for an hour or two later in the day. I might just make Bryan do everything again this year, that worked great last year :D

Let us know how we can help any way. From the all talk this sounds like a fantastic event.

Mike and Diane Ray
I would like to help, but on conditions, I can't lift more than 5lbs, I can only help for an hour maybe more, I can't make 100% promise I can help only 50/50 chances due to my health... However, I'm sure I can do something...
Come out and see what happens!! No pressure to help we'll have quite a few people around, just come over and say "hi" and if there's an empty space to lend a hand I'm sure someone will direct you. :)