Cali Kid Corals

BAR members' FTS tank shots

I don't think I've ever thrown up a picture of my tank, but here it is. This is my 33g cube ... started up last November with only saltwater and rock, started stocking in January. These pictures were taken about two months ago, so things have changed. Growth has been decent, and I've also given away pieces, as well as acquired new ones.

an un plumbed tank wall to wall with white eggcrate, with an HOB skimmer, HOB ATO, heater tossed over the edge and galvanized conduit pipe to hang lights, cooled by a CPU fan zip tied to the not a pretty frag tank :p
No, that would not be pretty, but I have seen really neat frag tanks, one with live rock as the frag racks they were all drilled to fit plugs. Then there are just the clean frag tanks, like Tonggao's is nice and clean, open top cube with frag racks :)
A_Lee said:
I don't think I've ever thrown up a picture of my tank, but here it is. This is my 33g cube ... started up last November with only saltwater and rock, started stocking in January. These pictures were taken about two months ago, so things have changed. Growth has been decent, and I've also given away pieces, as well as acquired new ones.


Are you still using Phoenix bulbs on that?

Good seeing this thread pop-up too. Great lookin' tanks everyone.
Yep, Phoenix bulbs -I love them! I am going to order one for my other tank downstairs :)
I will be needing to replace the Phoenix bulb on the 33g cube tank, and am considering other brand bulbs. Any suggestions? I really like the level of blue put out by this bulb ... very nice. And I believe this bulb puts out pretty good PAR, which is always awesome :D
I am almost afraid to try another bulb for the fear of not liking the way it looks. Because bulbs are not cheap, and I am a college kid :D
I was considering using a 10k for 6-8 months on this tank to really ramp up the growth, and then after that rotate in a 14k, or a 20k.
eskeered right now...

I've decided to set the alarm for an ungodly hour and break the display down tomorrow. My thinking goes like this "sure I'll have another martini" only to arrive home to RTN, then I'm clipping coral at midnight with a buzz goin' on my anniversary falling asleep from all of the food, it seems to me to be a bad combo.

On a side note, do you like carnitas Bryan? I be whuppin some up for our second lunch tomorrow and am hoping you like our little piggy friends.