
BAR Regional Swap February 13th @ Chabot College

Hey All

I'll be there. I've never attended a BAR swap before. I'm looking forward to this. Included in my qualifying frags will be a frag of this blue gomezei...


I hope to do some trading while I'm there. You can see a list of my corals on my website. I'm only interested in very colorful specimens: SPS, chalices, cyphastreas, paly's, LPS. If you want to trade e-mail me at

FYI - My tank looks like this...


East Side


West Side

These pics are a a couple months old. My tank will probably look very different by the frag swap. Its leaking and I'm taking the opportunity to remove some unwanted stuff and go a bit bigger.

EDIT: I expect the move will result in lots of accidental frags. If there is anything in particular you'd like to see on the tables please e-mail me.

MARS Member
You can swap fish at BAMFK (Bay Area Marine Fish Keepers)

OK I made that up :p

well, definition corals aren't used in FOWLR ;)

That said, if you want to participate in the swap to receive corals, you are required to enter 3 healthy, healed, unique, qualifying frags. If you don't have said frags, the recommendation would be to support one of our sponsors and purchase 3 qualifying corals to enter :)
Trade fish poo to those that feel that is all they need to feed their corals :lol:
Central Cash and Carry on 190 Keyes Street San Jose has the best deals in plastic containers and lids you will find in the south bay.
Chris you should submit that to the "local business" area for future reference :) good to know, it's closer then every other link there now for me :) Thanks :)
I'll probably head out to meet you guys. I've met a few BAR members already. I'd like to meet with the rest of you guys. I heard the raffles are cool. Did I mention after I finish my FOWLR that I'll be setting up a 30 gallon nano reef for my son? ;) Do I still have to pay if I am only viewing and not swapping? or If I go to the newbie corner? :bigsmile:

@Jeremy, surfed the new 2+1 board once. I'm outta shape, I need to get out more. Seems like this hobby is taking over surfing. :~
sfboarders said:
Do I still have to pay if I am only viewing and not swapping? or If I go to the newbie corner? :bigsmile:

Pretty sure you just have to pay to participate in the swap proper. Free to socialize and stuff :) Bryan (seminolicpa) might require payment by way of your first birdsnest though. He loves them so!