High Tide Aquatics

Baykes' 105 Gallon "First Big Reef"

Alright, I was happy with the prices and pieces I got. Fish selection was slim. Definitely dip anything you buy, which should be the case anyway. Most tanks had red planaria
Currently ttming a carpenters wrasse, tailspot blenny and a blue tang set to finish next week Tuesday. First one is from Neptune with the other 2 from Violet. after these guys are done, and I get my order from Dr Reef, just gonna add a pair of clowns (planning on Kimmies), pair of mandarins and a purple tang. right now the only fish are the Sunburst Anthias and my second Melanurus after losing the first. Currently 2/4 on wrasses and ttm :(
50 days since adding water and a month since the last FTS.

Here is a current FTS:

And a FTV:

Almost time to do a full tank update, but just thought I would do a smaller one of some new additions:

2 New Millis from Neptune $20 bin


Single head Duncan from Neptune:

Purple Monsters from Clearwater and Lenny the Tailspot Blenny

German Blue Digi from Neptune $10 bin (Steal of a frag at this size imo)

Bleeding Apple Bowerbankii from seller on R2R (Only second frag I have ever gotten shipped to me)

Purple People Eater Blasto from CFM a couple years ago:

Ultron Favia DBTC from @IOnceWasLegend (add me to the barcode chain so I can update please :) )

Also on the side I tested Alk and calcium for the first time last weekend since I have been adding more stony corals. Calcium was ok at 390, bumped it up to 420, but ALK was low at about 6.85. Bumped it up to 9 over a couple days, and have been dosing manually. Hope to set up my dosers this weekend or next at the latest.
Really like the color on that ultron favia, with not an overly blue blasting of light too (or at least you got really good filters :D)
Thanks! No filters, but I do use built in White Balance and touch up in Lightroom to get the colors right. Overall I think the finished product matches what I see with my eyes... whatever that amounts to lol
Thanks! And yeah those 2 really stood out in the tanks. If they do well I’m going to have to buy one of your sapphire millies to complete the collection haha
I don’t have one called sapphire I don’t think. Palmers blue? You can have one for sure if that’s what you want.