got ethical husbandry?

BAYMAC 2011 - May 14 - Chabot College

Sergio, thanks for sharing your photos. I regret missing Baymac this year, but plan to be volunteering a lot next year.
Vincerama2 said:
Unfortunately for me, going to BAYMAC has 90% convinced me that I need LED lights. So ... mission accomplished for vendors...

Which vendor that had a LED changed your mind?
I've got plans for Two Kessil and two of the new Acan strip lights :) Both solve existing issues (needed strip lights but wanted a little more slick looking unit - and needed a solution to PAR38 for my mangrove tank)
I spoke to the Kessil guys. Their product is clean and doesn't look "hacked together". Mostly it was the "150W equivalent for 30W or power" that had me thinking and the 7-8 year life, after which the lights drop in efficiency (power wise) but not spectrum. He was the OTHER kessil guy, who was not an aquarium enthusiast, so he didn't know aquarium specifics.

That had me thinking ... hmmm... 3 kessils is about 900 bucks, but if they use only 30 watts each (for 90 W total) and with MH's costing about $60 a piece for $180 a year ... think think think .. ding! Wow!

But I doubt I could get away with only 3 fixtures for a 6 foot wide tank.

Mark, on RC, someone was selling their 96 LED rack for $800, I'm on the "wait list", but it made me check out prices so ... not bad considering MH costs and the fact that there are LED kits available. I don't mind putting stuff together as a kit. My workshop is a disaster area so I don't have much workspace at the moment either. However, point me to your LED thread and I might just DIY. (or DIM I guess)

yeah I wouldn't put 3 kessil fixtures on a 6 foot tank... unless of course you can put it over the 3 areas were corals are. I'm not a big fan of lighting empty space, seems like such a waste to illuminate the bottom of your tank with expensive bulbs that cost an arm and a leg to run :D
Neptunes has two over a 4' tak IIRC w/ actinic strip lights and it looks great.

I'm going to do two over a 30g mangrove. I have PAR38's on it now but I want a warmer kelvin and I dislike how I have the PAR38's mounted. The Kessil is an over all slick unit. Did anyone play with them in regards to the construction? Do you have access to the fan and heat sink to clean them? I've only seen them over tanks and in the box.
Reviving the thread from dead, does anyone know who or might bought the Lemon Drop Anemone from one of the vendor's booth?
I recalled seeing one when I came at 3:30pm, but it was already sold. Hopefully a BAR member bought it and can share some pics.

I only saw three "rainbow" anemones when I came in. They didn't look to be too rainbow to me though. More green base / orange tips.