High Tide Aquatics

BAYMAC - Saturday June 13th - San Jose

Yah the idea is to grow them every year :)

We may be moving back to the same room used last year as the unit I had planned on using may not be done in time. This doesn't change anything for anyone but some minor booth rearranging and the addition of more booths. It does cost me more but that extra booths should help cover that.

I'd like to take this time to say in the spirit of BAYMAC there will be no non vendor frag sales allowed. This does not mean you can't bring frags for people or exchange them at the event but rather you can not bring a cooler full of frags with no buyer all ready lined up in hopes of peddling them at the show. Any club caught letting a private individual sell coral from their tank will be asked to leave and will not be allowed to attend anymore BAYMACs in the future. The entire point of the clubs getting free booths is so they can bring in money for the clubs. Non club frag sellers have to pay for their booths. It is unfair for those that help make the event happen by paying for booths to allow that to happen. If I did the event wouldn't grow every year. With out the booth sales, free admission and not being able to take the raffle money I have no other way to pay for the event other then out of pocket. I paid for last years event in hopes this year could fund itself. As of now it's just barely doing that. My mission is to keep BAYMAC free admission :)
MARS has joined in as the last of the 6 reef clubs to take part :) It's looking dang good now :)
With just over a week until BAYMAC I figured now is a good time to start posting the raffle donations and the schedule. All this and more can be found on www.theBAYMAC.com

Raffle Donors and Donations
Reef Nutrition - Lots of stuff
Warner Marine Research - TBA
Tropic Marin - TBA
Aquatic Life - Controller
IMACwest - 1 full registration to IMACwest July 31st - August 2nd in Long Beach, CA
The Aquarium Showroom - 29g Biocube, and more
Neptune Systems - ACjr w/ DC8
CPR Aquatics - Bak Pak Protein Skimmer and Aquafuge
EcoSystem Aquarium - TBA
Lumarc Lighting - 1 Stealth Lumenarc reflector
Caribsea - A TON of stuff (no really, enough to throw my back out moving it)
TruVu Aquariums - TBA
Brightwell Aquatics - TBA
Rod's Food - 10 packs
The Salmon Queen - 3 set of two tickets for a charter fishing trip
ESV - B-Ionic
Boston Aqua Farms - 2 Propagation kits, more TBA
Advanced Lighting Solutions - MH bulbs
TAAM - Calcium Reactor, Media Reactor, assorted pumps and more TBA
Marineland - TBA
Sunlight Supply - TBA
Vertex - TBA

and like I said more is being announced daily. Check the website (www.theBAYMAC.com) for updates on the raffle. Yes, it's finally live albeit minus some text.

Schedule for BAYMAC2009 - June 13th

10:30am Doors open, raffle tickets go on sale
11:30 - Rich Ross - REEFporn - A Journey to Papua New Guinea
12:45 - Scott Fellman - Your Next Reef Aquarium
2:00 - Frank Burr - Quarantine for Reef Systems
3:00 - Jake Adams - REEF Builders LIVE
4:00 - raffle ticket sales end
4:15 - raffle starts
5:00ish - doors close
So gresh, it is OK to have frags at our booths just not to sell any of them, unless the sale was prearranged before the event? Or can the CLUB sell frags as long as all the money goes to the group and not indivual members
will do :) Thanks!

I'll make a new "live" category so they don't get lost in the shuffle :)
Roc said:
So gresh, it is OK to have frags at our booths just not to sell any of them, unless the sale was prearranged before the event? Or can the CLUB sell frags as long as all the money goes to the group and not indivual members

As was the same last year holds true this year. Reef clubs and vendors can sell coral and supplies. With clubs all the money has to go to the club. No member can sell corals and keep the money themselves. Same holds true for vendors. They can sell but can not allow anyone else to use their booth to sell. It's not fair to the paying vendors that allow the show to even take place. So you must ask yourself, is it so important for you to makes such a sale knowing it could very well kill the show?
GreshamH said:
Roc said:
So gresh, it is OK to have frags at our booths just not to sell any of them, unless the sale was prearranged before the event? Or can the CLUB sell frags as long as all the money goes to the group and not indivual members

As was the same last year holds true this year. Reef clubs and vendors can sell coral and supplies. With clubs all the money has to go to the club. No member can sell corals and keep the money themselves. Same holds true for vendors. They can sell but can not allow anyone else to use their booth to sell. It's not fair to the paying vendors that allow the show to even take place. So you must ask yourself, is it so important for you to makes such a sale knowing it could very well kill the show?

Thanks for clearing that up Gresham, see you there
No problem Roc :)

I know I haven't replied to your PM but rather then keep writing the same PM/email I wanted to craft one for the clubs and send it out today. I'll include you on that email :)
We've got two last minute additions to the line up....

We;re proud to announce the addition of

Aquarium In Motion from Corona,CA


Modern Reefkeeper

That brings to total number of coral vendors to 10 + 6 clubs selling corals as well.

We more then doubled last years booths :) Next year we'll have to take over two of the three venues in that building, then across the street the the fairgrounds :lol:
Hyperlinks and colors are your friend. Yah I abused them a bit, at least I'm not a NMR :lol:
see you all next week. if one is looking for anything special. let me know. the drive up norht is not to bad with a new upload of some music on i tunes..lol
btw greshem this truley looks like a great event you have put to gether.. build it and they will come. =)