got ethical husbandry?

Bfirecat's Red Sea 525XL

That makes sense.

I was looking for maybe 1 or 2 bigger "showpiece" fish.
Harlequin tusk?
Some kind of angel? (risky)
Some other tang?

Besides the original tank, I was thinking of add 1 male and 3 female lyretail anthias.
I would avoid the blue tang and the powder blue. Blue gets too big. Powder blue almost always break out in ich. Could work, but I would avoid unless it’s a must have for you.
Harlequin tusk not a great fit for a reef. Will eat shrimp I’m pretty sure. I would avoid any full size angels. Little big for the tank and definitely not reef safe.
I have a Harlequin Tusk. Amazing fish. But you will never have shrimp or small snails again.
And they get BIG.

Swallowtail angel maybe?

But honestly, a 100G is a bit marginal for a big showpiece fish.

I would recommend a lot of small fish instead. Flasher wrasse and other colorful ones.
Current Stock:
2 Flasher Wrasse
1 Orange Back Wrasse
1 Tomini Tang
3 Red Firefish

Old Tank Transfer:
1 Yellow Tang
1 Foxface
1 Chromis
2 O-clown
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 Royal Gamma

1 Male Lyretail Anthias
3 Female Lyretail Anthias

Is that too much bioload for a tank this size?
Transferred the livestock from the old tank to the new tank yesterday.

Updated stock list:
3 Red Firefish
2 Fairy Wrasse
1 Orange Back Wrasse
1 Tomini Tang
1 Yellow Tang
2 O. Clowns
1 Foxface
1 Chromis

2 Cleaner Shrimp
3 Emerald Crabs
1 Harlequin Shrimp
20 Astrea Snails
30ish Banded Trochus Snails

Still to add:

4 Lyretail Anthias
Alright, finished stocking the tank with fish

Final list:
3 Red Firefish
2 Fairy Wrasse
1 Orange Back Wrasse
1 Tomini Tang
1 Yellow Tang
2 O. Clowns
1 Foxface
1 Chromis
4 Lyretail Anthias
4 Bimac Anthias
Full tank shots


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Velvet killed everything in one of my ya is many years ago. It sucks.

Don’t shut down. Just take a bit to let things settle and start again.
So after waiting a while, fish have been re-added and the tank is back to normal.
Fish list:
1 Yellow Tang (thanks @Twisted)
1 Yellow Belly Blue Tang (thanks @Twisted)
1 Red Firefish
4 Chromis
1 Orange Back Wrasse
1 Jester Goby
2 O. Clowns

I switched over from Triton to Tropic Marin All-For-Reef since I'm keeping only softies and chalices.
Dosing 30ml per day
Also dosing Tropic Marin Elimi-NP to get phosphates and nitrates down (been going for 2 weeks so far)
After nitrates and phosphates are in line, I'll switch over to NP-Bacto-Balance
I also added a CO2 scrubber and modified the skimmer to recirculate air

Pics up soon
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Any tips of getting better pics with an iPhone?


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So the Icecap 3k Gyre pump was too noisy, and was replaced today by a Red Sea ReefWave 45.

First impressions weren't great, I wasn't able to control the flow out of the box.
However, after I installed the ReefBeat app, and updated the firmware, everything worked great.
The pump runs super quiet, less noisy than my MP40 WQD.
I'll definitely get a 2nd one to replace the MP40 soon.
@NelsonCh I cut it, and upgraded tanks. After moving it, one of the halves bleached and hasn't recovered. The other half is doing well though.

Looks like the velvet came back after adding the two tangs (I think the orangeback wrasse, firefish and chromis that survived kept the velvet going)
Removed all the rocks and got all the fish out.
With the help of @MichaelW over at Bay Bridge Aquariums, I got a ton of treatment stuff and got it set up tonight.
The plan is to treat all the fish, and leave the DT fallow for 76 days.

I'll document the process here:
Tank: 14g IM Peninsula
No Light
IM 9w UV
Stock pump
Air pump + air stone
100w heater
Fritz Turbo Start + Marine Pure Media
Kordon Fish Protector
Hanna Copper Checker

API General Cure
Kordon Rid Ich Plus

Started with a 5 min FW dip for all fish.
After that, I moved them to the QT tank, and added 2 packets of General Cure and 1ml/gallon of CopperSafe.
Also added 20ml of Fish Protector

Tomorrow, I'll add in Rid Ich Plus, test copper to make sure its at 1ppm, and over the next few days, up it to 2ppm.
I'll add General Cure after another 2 days, and repeat again.

I've learned my lesson, always QT. And fallow means fallow....