Cali Kid Corals

Bfirecat's Red Sea 525XL

Hi everyone!

I just joined not too long ago. I'm upgrading from a Cadlights 50 Cube to a Red 525XL.

Red Sea 525XL
2x Radion XR30 Pros (Gen 3)
2x MP40's
1x Jaebo return pump
Nyos 160 Skimmer
Clarisea SK-3000 Roller Filter
Kessil H80 for Refugium
Apex Classic for Temp, PH, Salinity
GHL 2.1 Doser
Starboard for barebottom
BRS Dry Rock.

Tank is one week into its cycle
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Livestock plans:

Pair of O. Clowns (old tank)
Yellow Tang (old tank)
Sixline Wrasse (old tank)
2 Chromis (old tank)
Royal Gramma (old tank)

Eventually adding:
2 more tangs - any suggestions?
2-4 more wrasse - any suggestions?
1-many clown gobies - any suggestions?
3+ anthias - any easy suggestions?
1 long nose hawkfish
1-3 angels - any suggestions?

1 Maxima Clam (from old tank)
2 more clams (maxima or otherwise)
2 cleaner shrimp
8 emerald crabs
Lots of Zoas
Lots of mushrooms
BTAs (BW, Az Sunset, Rainbows)

Looking to add:
Easy SPS (need suggestions)
Montipora (sunset, rainbow, and bubblegum digi's)
BTAs (Colorado sunset, Chicago sunset)
Kole tang
Ruby headed fairy wrasse, pintail wrasse
Lyretail anthias
No full size angels. Coral beauty for dwarf.
No crabs
I also avoid nems and shrooms
I'll add pictures in the next few days.
From what I hear, I think I have to sell the other nems before getting a CSB.

When the tank gets out of the uglies, and there's a CSB, you're more than welcomed to come by glee :)
Currently waiting on an insert from Broadfield over at r2r.

Week 2 on the cycle, dropped a few cubes of mysis and Microbacter7 from Brightwell.
Got A couple Xport blocks from Brightwell too.
The lid is from Artfully Acrylic.

Question, this lid would work for a dwarf golden eel?
For me, there is Upload a Photo button on bottom right, just under the box I type my message in (like now). Choose a file, it gets uploaded, then choose thumbnail or full image at the bottom of the screen. Sometimes for me I get stuck on infinite loading, but if I try again later it works fine.
For me, there is Upload a Photo button on bottom right, just under the box I type my message in (like now). Choose a file, it gets uploaded, then choose thumbnail or full image at the bottom of the screen. Sometimes for me I get stuck on infinite loading, but if I try again later it works fine.

Also note that images cannot be larger than 5MB. If you try to upload a file bigger than 5MB, you won't get a warning, it will just seem like nothing happened.
It was the pixel size :)


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Waiting on the insert from Broadfield before doing wire management and getting the sump going.
Added the Xport media in the meantime to help with the cycling.
Tank is finished cycling, and added the first fish!

3 Red Firefish
2 Fairy Wrasse
1 Orange Back Wrasse
1 Tomini Tang
20 Astrea Snails
20 Banded Trochus Snails
Tangs: Kole, Tomini.
Hawkfish: Will try to eat your shrimp
Angels: Coral beauty or flame, but either will probably nip your LPS when you aren't looking. Mine did, but never when I was looking, and he was getting a cube of mysis every day.
Clams: Most of them are pretty amazing, whatever there.

Mushrooms: Go with ricordea, they stay where you put them unless you don't mind them getting everywhere.
GSP: Keep it on an island.
Euphyllia: I'm partial to frogspawn and torches, mainly due to lower success rates with wall hammers.
Nems: I love them, but I don't keep them due to their occasional need to walk and kill SPS. I might have some on an island someday.
Easy SPS: Montis, montis, more montis. Add Mystic to your list. I always found GARF bonsai to be pretty robust, although much harder to get really great looking tips.
Porites is generally pretty easy too, but grows fast.
Once you get those going well throw in a stylo or two. Purple seems pretty readily available locally.
Chalices: I've met very few that I don't like, lots of options there.
Added the Midas Blenny from the other tank and some coral to see how the do:
2 Ricodia
A few frags of zoas

For tangs, will a Tomini and a Yellow work? They are about the same size. Going to add the yellow in a week. Would it be fine to add a Blue Hippo or Powder Blue?
IMHO a hippo would be a bad idea. They like a lot of space. I've not seen them get aggressive and beat up their neighbors, but they do have a bad habit of getting sick and dying.
I think a tomini and a yellow would work. Keep an eye out to make sure the yellow isn't being aggressive to the tomini.
Powder blue is iffy. Some are model citizens, others less so. Keep nori available at all times.