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Boun's reef tank Journal

I thought I would post a picture of the current tank before the tear down this Saturday:

Looks like I'll have to bow out of this, while I initially thought the car was the issue, I found out I might have to work at the farmer's market for my wife because she has a baby shower to go to! Gah!!!! Doesn't she know this is the same thing, this is a tank shower !!
The tank switch went well! I was not able to update anything yesterday because I spent all day Saturday on my fish tank, so yesterday was family time. I took my kids to the Academy of Sciences for the day :)--I guess it's still fish related right? ;)

It was a hectic day but went smoothly with a few road bump. All of the corals look fine and the fishes are swimming. Here are a few pictures of the current tank. I was not able to scape the rock work because the new water (Aquavitro) was still cloudy. I mixed the water over night. I should have mixed it two days before. I will take more fancy pictures when I'm off tomorrow. :)




The black bottom gives the tank an ultra modern feel. Any plans to add sand back?

Thanks for the snacks and hospitality, Boun! Sorry for taking off so soon after delivering the saltwater, you and the gang had already done all the heavy lifting (so to speak).
dknydiep said:
Looks good, Boun. I'm assuming you're the same one from SFbaaps. This is Jimmy D. I've finally joined the SW side lol.

Yup Jimmy! Welcome to BAR. Here is an update phone picture! I moved the rocks back to make room in the middle. This is not my aquascape at all :)

Nemo said:
Good Stuff Boun, cant wait till it's up and running!

Thanks Jim! Still playing around with the layout and contemplating about the SPS. I might just go with softies and lps for easy keeping because of time and having two young children (3.5 and 2 year old)
Went to discovery day at the Romberg Tiburon Center today and had to upload some pictures. I took a quick FTS of my tank. It looks like I'm going to keep SPS after all. They are slowly coloring up for me again.

Here is an update FTS taken by a friend:

Within the next few week I will be switching out the 12x54watts T5 to 3 AI units. I'll update some pictures when it's up :)
