
Bowl of Pho-RSR350

Torch collection

1.Cotton candy Holy grail

2.New York Knicks(Purple tip)

3.New York Knicks (Blue Tips)

4.Malaysian gold torch

5.Malaysian green torch

6.Dragon soul (no green mouth)

7.Dragon soul ( green mouth)

8.Dragon soul with dark green tentacles

9.Jester torch

10.Hellfire torch

11.Master torch

12.24k torch

12.Tck Master torch

13.Holy grail (blue tips green mouth)

14.Holy grail (purple tips green mouth)

15.Holy grail (blue tips no green mouth)

16.Black tiger torch

17.Tiger torch

18.Reverse holy grail tiger

19.Holy guacamole torch

20.Tsa pot of gold

21.Dark Holy Grail torch

22.Dragon Tamer

23.Holy grail variant (pink tips)

24.Green torch (blue tips)

25.Cotton candy torch

26.Purple torch

27.Ted’s Torch

28.Dark green torch with yellow tips

29.Indo gold torch

30. Indo Jester torch

Will be taking break, selling my torches and other lps. Don’t have time take care of tank therefore having to let my lps go. Keeping zoas and soft corals. No wc. No dosing.

Looking to sell send me pm, keep til all gone, then put in csb anemone




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