Hey guys, let's try to keep this in perspective and not make mountains out of molehills. Since the July re-launch, there has been over 1,100 spammer accounts that did
not make it past the security measures at registration. If we assume two spammers get through in a given week, that's still >96% efficacy.
Prior to the new forum software, everyone who registered had to wait until the Secretary manually approved the user. That took considerable time and effort, and it was a major pain for new users to not have the capability to post immediately. Personally I'm okay with having a spam post now and then, particularly since most spam is easy to spot from a mile away (Cialis Viagra Your Massive Polyp Extension Will Poke Out the Eyes of All Passing Fish!!!).
That said, there's room for improvement with the site, and there's enough work for the role of webmaster to be a full time job. I appreciate that there have been so many folks who are eager to volunteer to work on the site, however please bear in mind that all these components are part of the whole, and it takes time and effort for the architect to consider how all the pieces will fit together.
Perhaps we could do a video conference for anyone interested in helping to improve the site, walk through some of the backend to familiarize ourselves with what we're dealing with, so that we can all be on the same page for planning the next phase of improvement. How does that sound?