Sharing some progress on my Chaeto growth. This picture shows 6 weeks for growth with my Kessil H380. The sump on the LEFT (edited) is how my Chaeto had been for months: not really growing. In the past, I had good growth with a 12W Home Depot Daylight LED floodlight, but last year it stopped growing. My Nitrates were at about 40ppm. I upgraded to the small 9W Innovative Marine ChaetoMax Refugium LED (seen in left sump at top right). After 4 or 5 months and dosing some iron and iodine, this did nothing to improve my Chaeto. I then dropped $300 on the Kessil H380. After 6 weeks, I need to remove some Chaeto. Not only is the refugium completely full of Chaeto, but the Chaeto is thick and has a great green color.
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