High Tide Aquatics

Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

UV definitely will clear that out in a day or so. Looking at your water parameters, tank is a bit too lean nutrients wise, most likely due to the addition of the Microbacter, and I wouldn't use it going forward.

Add more snails and beef up your cuc, as Eric mentioned. For that size tank, I would toss in 5-10 astrea/banded trochus without reservations.
UV definitely will clear that out in a day or so. Looking at your water parameters, tank is a bit too lean nutrients wise, most likely due to the addition of the Microbacter, and I wouldn't use it going forward.

Add more snails and beef up your cuc, as Eric mentioned. For that size tank, I would toss in 5-10 astrea/banded trochus without reservations.
good advice. I will not use the Microbacter clean again. Have already added 10 trochus snails and a lawnmower blenny.
You may want to plop in an air stone to give the tank more oxygen. Bacteria blooms tend to suck all the oxygen out of the water. You can also point a powerhead towards the surface to agitate the water more.
Good news! The bacterial bloom is clearing up!

The Coospider Sun JUP-02 Aquarium U/V Filter worked over night.


And After one night

The UV filter was the key to this problem and it was very affordable at only about $40. You can see it on the right side in the back. Even adds some bubbles to help oxygen level. Will run this for a few more days and put away for the future.

Thanks Again for the help!
Added a lot of coral from the Frag Swap and DBTC!

Thank You @svreef for the frags to enter! I was able to pick up some very nice pieces. One being an utter chaos zoanthid! Going to grow that baby out and share with the club!

At the swap @Alexx gave me a DBTC: Blastomussa Merletti Thank You so much!

On the way home picked up another DBTC. Got a giant Frog Spawn, a Pink Zipper Zoanthid and War Coral from @NickRoseSN1985 Thank You!

UPDATE 7-1-21:

Cleaned the filter and did a water change today. Everything seems to be doing really well.

Parameters are as follows.

Salinity - 35ppm
PH - 8.0
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 3
Phosphate - 0.064
Alkalinity - 10.6
Calcium - 425
Magnesium - 1320
Copper - 0


I would not have progressed this quickly without the help of BAR. Thank You for everything you have done!
Update 7-18-21
7/16/202178.1357.90000.0159.542514000Tank looks good!

Parameters all look good(took readings before water change). PH a little low Maybe start using additive(input requested)? I have also started feeding more to help raise the nitrates and phosphates. Cleaned everything and then 5 gallon water change.

Had to move the Hammer from the upper left corner to lower center(flow too high). The hammer puffed up so much that it stung the Kryptonite Candy Cane, so I moved the hammer to the right a little more. I hope the candy cane recovers from the sting. See photo.

Close up of candy cane. hope the sting recovers.

I really like this Blastomussa Merletti from @Alexx, it seems to be doing very well in the higher flow and light.

another one of my favorites is the utter chaos zoa from the frag swap. Hope to grow this out so I can share with everyone.

The algae has also been taken care of by all the snails.

I wanted to thank everyone again for all the awesome pieces from DBTC! @NickRoseSN1985 the pieces are great! Its hard to have a favorite with so many beautiful corals.

Going to see how the tank goes from here and maybe add a piece once in awhile.

Any tips/hits or suggestions are very welcome.
Just got a new light delivered. The one I have been using had a few LED's that quit working so the manufacturer replaced it. I am in line for the PAR meter so still not running at full power.

Tank has been doing very well and all the coral seem to be thriving. Going to do another parameter check this Friday just before the water change.

I had a question though. in the pic's up top you can see a palythoa on the upper right that I got from either @H2OPlayar or @Srt4eric at the frag workshop awhile back. I was wondering if I should move it from the what will be my Zoa garden? Please advise.


UPDATE: PAR Readings

PAR Full.jpg


FULL BLUE with Red-Green-White at lvl1

Tank has been doing very well. 5 gallon water changes and filter cleaning weekly.

All parameters doing very well. Phosphates and Nitrates still very low.

Feeding more, daily Phyto-plankton(15mg), daily I pick one of the following, small cube of brine or TDO pellets or cube of Mysis shrimp or seaweed extreme pellets. Also target feeding REEF-ROIDS once or twice weekly.

@Wlachnit can you tell me the name of the large SPS in the middle that you gave me at the frag event?

Any tips/hints or suggestions always welcome.
UPDATE - 9/14/21

Was noticing that my GSP was not extending fully like it use to so I took a few measurements and found the PH~7ish a little low. Decided to do a 15 gallon water change and clean the tank up.

After the water change and general maintenance the results are below.

CommentGSP not extending fully.

I have recently added a frag rack and will have a few frags of frog spawn, hammer, palythoa, and an SPS that I got from @Wlachnit .

Picture update 9-14-21

Tank seems to be doing well overall. Coral are growing, and are spreading out well. Thus far only water changes and cleaning of filters have been done.

I am considering the BRS one or maybe two part but this would be doses manually for now.

Any tips or advice always welcome.

Thank You,

I thought I gave you a Monti spongodes, but I don't see anything like that in your tank shot. My memory must be bad....which coral are you referring to?
Almost 1 year!

Update 12/27/21
CommentElegance coral not happy


The elegance seems to be the only coral in the tank not happy. Got it about two weeks ago and it came out the first few days. Seems to come out a little more with the lights off and returns to this when light are on. PAR is roughly 100 and light is set to only blue.

Any suggestions tips or hints welcome.


A few months over a year! Tank seems to be doing GREAT!

Been doing my regular water changes weekly. Cleaning the canister filter every 5 to 7 days. Everything seems to be doing very well!

The only piece of coral that I have lost was an Elegance bought at the LFS. I think it was sick when purchased so was not too concerned until about a week ago when my Frog Spawn started getting smaller.


Started getting a little concerned and consulted @NickRoseSN1985 and he suggested raising the MAG. I also noticed the Alk and PH was a little low so I got the two part from BRS and started dosing magnesium and soda ash to raise both levels. The frog spawn seems to be doing ok but just has not come out like it did when nick gave it to me.

Here are some more shots of the tank.



As you can see the Hammer is doing just fine so I could use some more input as to why the frog spawn is not doing as well as it use to and wish I could figure out why everything else is doing so well.


A few months over a year! Tank seems to be doing GREAT!
View attachment 36069

Been doing my regular water changes weekly. Cleaning the canister filter every 5 to 7 days. Everything seems to be doing very well!
View attachment 36070
The only piece of coral that I have lost was an Elegance bought at the LFS. I think it was sick when purchased so was not too concerned until about a week ago when my Frog Spawn started getting smaller.

View attachment 36071

Started getting a little concerned and consulted @NickRoseSN1985 and he suggested raising the MAG. I also noticed the Alk and PH was a little low so I got the two part from BRS and started dosing magnesium and soda ash to raise both levels. The frog spawn seems to be doing ok but just has not come out like it did when nick gave it to me.

Here are some more shots of the tank.

View attachment 36072
View attachment 36073
As you can see the Hammer is doing just fine so I could use some more input as to why the frog spawn is not doing as well as it use to and wish I could figure out why everything else is doing so well.



Can you pull the frog spawn out?
It looks like something os someone is annoying it

Maybe this:


  • 2597C5F9-990C-40AA-9DFA-E9C36EAF6A1D.jpeg
    72 KB · Views: 160
Yes I can pull it out and inspect it but have to put it back since this is my only tank.
Give it a dip maybe. See if anything pops off.
Does your Alk move much over the week/when you do the water change?
Are you dosing at all?
The numbers don’t seem bad at all, but are they stable over the week?
Some LPS could like higher nutrient levels, and or some target feeding on occasion