Neptune Aquatics

Coral Frag Trade and sale

What: Free Reef frag trade and sale.
When: Jan 15th 2012, 1pm
Where: American Canyon(Kevin's house)
Who: anyone interested in selling, buying or trading saltwater reef coral frags.
Why: to meet new people, promote the reef keeping hobby and get some cool new frags.

This will be much different from your typical frag swap. We'll have tables available to place your frags and we may have a few aquariums available to display any of the more unique corals. All frags will be available for purchase or trade as long as both parties involved agree. There will be no time limits or unknowns involved.

I have attended this style frag trade and I found it very fun and productive. Novice reef keepers can pick up some inexpensive corals as well as good tips from more experienced reefers. And for the more experienced reefers there are always at least a few new corals available. We are hoping for a big turn out.

Snacks and sodas will be provided. And there may be some barbecueing.

For questions please text or call
Micah 707-718-0106
Actually, we are not in the "norm" in the Bay Area for fragswaps... most that are run in the US are done how you are doing it.

Sounds fun... what city (the 707 area code tossed up a flag for me)
Text me for the adress 707 718 0106. It's going to be cool. The more people the better even if you don't have frags to bring there will be cool frags to buy and new people to meet.
I have no idea what a "frade" is. So I changed the title to what it should be. "Frag" That is proof It is hard to post form an itouch.