Neptune Aquatics

Costco Zero Waste RO unit?

Vincerama2 said:
Well Vlad, that's the advantage of owning! You can put holes all over the place if you want to! ;)

I'm thinking that RO "waste" water into a large container would also make a nice earthquake reservoir, assuming it doesn't fall over or is crushed by your collapsing house!

That 85 gallon pot that Gomer linked to would be ginormous!


Be careful, while I will agree RO "waste" water is cleaner than the water you drink (in certain ways), the fact that it goes through the carbon means that it won't be chlorinated, while when drinking this is a good thing, storing over long periods of time is a definite bad thing as it could be a breeding ground for bacteria. So the water itself might be good, just make sure in your earthquake preparedness you also have some way of sterilizing water :D

I happen to have a 300g rubbermade in the backyard where all my waste water goes... it's good for it's purpose, and I put a few fish in there to deal with mosquitos... and a net over the top to keep raccoons out.. and... yeah I'll be adding bleach to it in case of being thirsty after an earthquake :D
So I am going to be the guy that admits to owning one of these babies. I've owned this unit for almost 4 years, and have had zero issues with Plumbing, water heater and even water quality (which I check regularly). All I can say is that it works. My TDS coming in is ~ 300-400 TDS. My out is about ~5-30 depending on the water quality that day. I also run the out water through a DI for the tank only. I ended upgrading the membrain to 100GPD, and that has been working flawlessly.
Your product is 5 to 30? To me that means a failure at removal. I never allow mine to get above 0.
My output post membrane/pre DI still never gets that high (1 - 2) and I'm on well water now. TDS is a whole nother ball game when you can actually see turbidity :lol:
whats your TDS pre-membrane? 1-2 seems awfully low unless you have stellar water to start with. Rejection rates of RO membranes is only about 95-98% IIRC, so if you're getting 1-2 post membrane, that means 40-100 going into the thing.

5-30 from 300-400 doesn't sound too far off.
keywords... well... visually high turbibidity. I know of no local well that has lower TDS then the munis. You seem to forget the prefilters take stuff out so my membrane isnt nailed with the full tds of the well.