Well the "designer" salt that I ordered was the Red Sea stuff in the blue bucket, just to give it a roll. I know I've had plenty of luck with Reef Crystals in the past as well as Aquavitro Salinity but I wanted to get away from the later due to the limited availability of it (only available at LFS) and just wanted to try something that was as close to sea water as possible due to storage issues (no Fritz) as I plan on having a 100G container mixed with salt ready at all time.
Saw one of the later BRS vids were they broke down the actual cost of salts when mixed to 35ppt, and it turns out most all of them are 49-50c per gallon, ironically Reef Crystals is at the 50c/gal mark while Red Sea and others are at 49, except for one particular Tropic Marine salt that's at 54c/gal, and of course IO which is at 39c/gal. So ultimately the price between them really isn't that different when actually mixed. They did mention also doing a storage test, but that video isn't out yet, so we'll have to see which ones suck (they don't sell Fritz, so that one probably won't be in that test)