
Damn - small fire ! Good luck or Bad?

I have a smoke detector and a sprinkler header 3 feet away from the tank.

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I will see what the company says...then my friends at OTA can probably help...or I will offer to buy lunch for Mike and see if he can help me. : )'s a good thing you were home.

If you can smell an ozone-like smell it's not a good thing.

First Tony with a melted battery pack, Mike with a blown up heater, me with frying not just the plug to my AquaController DC8 but also a powerstrip to my second tank, and now troubles with your lighting ballasts.
well at least I didn't loose any livestock this time, and I hope this helps someone else aviod the problem. Customer service at Aquamedic has been pretty helpful.
let there be light! Thanks to OTA for helping me rewire the plug. My lights are up again! Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Hope this stuff never happens to anyone else.