Neptune Aquatics

DBTC Appleberry Montipora

Alright Jon (don't let me forget this time :D)

It is a very slow grower, so frags will be equally small, hell I don't think in the time I've had it (through a few fraggings) that it's even gotten as big as the frag plug it was on.
Haha! That's why I'm so bummed that I lost this one during my tank transfer. It's a great looking coral and it might be 10 years until I can get another frag through DBTC!
Well Norman, Charles and Jon are the next three up for this piece. Bryan was over here with the bandsaw not too long ago and I said we should chop it up, he thought better otherwise though due to the small nature of the coral, it literally is only the size of one of those smaller round frag plugs. So no frags yet, this is a really slow grower.

So if you need to have the burning pitchforks out... go camp outside Bryan's place it's his fault I haven't passed any more on :D