
DBTC Battlestar archelia

I actually don't know what this is, but Jeremy saw a picture of it a while back and told me it was the battlestar. I got it in a frag pack from Reefer Madness about a year ago. It's one of my favorites and one of my most successful residents (funny how those go hand in hand) -- the only problem is I keep sticking my hands in there and snapping off branches. As a result, I have my first DBTC offering. :)

I have two good healthy frags (3/4" - 1") and a third very small one that might be ok but probably needs some extra love.

Standard stuff: BAR members, two future frags

BTW, IME with this guy (although I cannot confirm the same lineage), it does not have the bionic sweeper tentacles of the encrusting Galaxia, and is pretty damm safe around other coral.
That's an archelia horrescens. It was recently renamed from galaxea horrescens. The colony Gresham gave me (Thx G!) is forest green branches w/ light brown/ tan polyps. HTH.-Jim
I've said it a billion times, you can't give coral away around here.

Although, if you don't have this coral yet your a ninny for not asking for it.....
I did a search for galaxea but I couldn't find anything similar to this one, they all looked very different. The info I found about galaxea says LPS. Is this Battlestar galaxea LPS? Looks like an SPS with big polyps :) Very cool looking though!
I would be interested for 2nd gen! I received quit a few DBTC frags at the April meeting so it's time to pay back some of my dues first ;D.

Come on people, very nice coral! Keep the chain going! :D
Great, one for patchin -- where are you located?

To verify Jeremy's comments, it's not picky. Medium light and flow -- it's about 12" below my T5s. And no problems with sweepers. It went through a period of about a month where there were sweepers out every night but for the past couple months I've barely seen any at all. Here's a nighttime action shot:

I just found out I can make it to the meeting today, so this is very late notice. I have another nice frag of this one available if anyone tunes in in time to see it. PM or post here and I'll check in before I take off this afternoon.