Neptune Aquatics

DBTC: Black widow anemone

Got kinda irritated after I turned the powerheads/whites off to take an actinic shot, but I'll try and get a better one soon. Located in SJ.

So out of curiosity what's the deal with these? How do they differ from a "standard" RBTA? Looks like the base/mouth area is darker with white streaks?
So out of curiosity what's the deal with these? How do they differ from a "standard" RBTA? Looks like the base/mouth area is darker with white streaks?
From my understanding, the difference is that there's basically no green whatsoever in them, so it's just red/dark blue. The difference is noticeable under actinics, not so much under white lighting.
Gotcha, do they propagate like crazy like the "standard" RBTA too?
I'll have to wait a bit before I can say for sure. I do know I got this one (well, these two; still keeping one) last month immediately after they split, and the one I'm keeping is looking ready to split again soon.
@IOnceWasLegend so I have a nearly identical anemone I've kept for 15+ years. Should I create a new DBTC or should we combine? Also wondering where you got yours originally since mine was from the south or east bay too if I recall. Thanks!