
DBTC: Dove Snails


Supporting Member
I just added Dove Snails to DBTC.

The will multiply in your tank. They do in mine.

There are 1 frag(s) available right now.


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Nice offering! I’ve never had them before but they sound like good CUC. I like that they can reproduce in-tank, fits great with the BAR mission. I’m interested
These are amazing additions to anyone's clean up crew! Their smaller size allows them to get into place your bigger snails can't. And I can confirm that they do easily reproduce. I've got tons in all of my tanks and always see what I believe to be their eggs.

Needless to say I haven't scraped my glass in awhile as this is their favorite spot to lay eggs.
Are they like nassirius? What are the best for?
"Dove Snails Pictocollumbella ocellata are more commonly referred to as Lightning Dove snails. They are popular among marine enthusiasts because they consume different types of algae: film, diatoms, hair, algal detritus and even some types of cyanobacteria. Preferring to spend their time on hard surfaces, hobbyists can expect to see them on the aquarium sides or rocks and décor. In addition, they like to spend their time in the substrate. Though the Dove Snail seems to breed easily, there are no distinguishing characteristics between males and females. Their muscular feet allow them to cling tightly to rocks or glass in search of food.

They will create a striking look in your marine aquarium due to their thick black shells with white curved or zig zag stripes. With a white shell interior, their entry point contains purple.

This member of the Columbellidae family is an herbivore."

Taken from
Actually these seem great

Most of my snails breed by spawning, and in my tank with a skimmer the success rate is pretty low, and only a couple babies appear. Something that lays physical eggs would be awesome